Ashes to Ashes

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~Wrote this at like 3am, pretty pog

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~Wrote this at like 3am, pretty pog. This is definitely not done, might make this into a book or a couple oneshots, who knows?~

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~Hope you enjoy!!!~

~Hope you enjoy!!!~

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"It was never meant to be"

Explosions rang out, shaking everything in their path, leaving nothing untouched. I tried to find him, the withers were ruthless, it was hard to fight them off. I cried out for him, where was he? Why can't I find him? I looked around desperately, my eyes shifting rapidly from trying to avoid the withers and finding him, then I saw it.

A crater carved out with his own weapon, the old melodic anthem twisted and churned into a bitter memory. The lyrics burned and battered as the man looked forward. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

"My L'manburg, My L'manburg~~~" Wilbur looked at everybody, tears slipping from his eyes like a waterfall as he smiled proudly upon us. All of us sharing this new found excitement as we celebrated the birth of a nation, a place made from all of our hands. I looked over to Tommy, He was nine at the time. The kid looked at his brother with admiration as he shared a laugh with his best friend, I wish it stayed that way. After the war broke out I begged Wilbur every night to send those two home, they didn't deserve this. He always dismissed me, never bated a damn eye to me. I stayed up for hours every night calming Tubbo down, he'd wake up with nightmares and come into my room as I swayed him back and forth lulling him to sleep. Although he'll never admit it, I calmed down Tommy from his sleepless nights as well. His shaking figure and sharp gasps will always haunt me.

I was there when they got exiled, I stood by Wilbur, comforting him about his lost nation, his son. When Technoblade came to help, I was cautious. At the festival I tried to stop him, I begged and got on my knees and pleaded to Schlatt. I screamed over and over "HE'S JUST A KID." I ended up losing a life that day, jumping in front of the firework meant to kill Tubbo. It was pointless, he died anyway. I ran to his bed in Pogtopia and hugged him. I cradled his figure as I cried into his shoulder. I kept on apologizing for not protecting him. I cried for hours, I never cared about my lost life, I just wanted him to be safe.

I remember shouting at Techno, I was scared and defenseless, he knew that. I know he took pity on me, I mean who wouldn't. I was hysterical, my body was exhausted and my mind was wrecked with thoughts of Tubbos death. I remember punching him that day, square in the face, just under his mask on his right cheek. Wilbur was watching. He never said a word. I started to notice the changes, how he looked so empty, the look of pure joy for the nation he built for his son was now a burning memory. It's ashes setting sparkes for the tnt to light and blow away his one true symphony. I tried to comfort him, stray him from his path but it was futile. It's all futile, it's all pointless. The man I knew was long gone.

I snapped back to reality as I saw Wilbur look at me, his face regretful and sorrowful. I wanted to hug him, to hold him close and tell him it's all right. I limped forward, gripping the rubble around me. People watched as I slipped and fell to the ground, picking myself up till I made it to him. I was almost there, I was just about to reach out to him, until Philza stabbed him. I watched in horror as his body crumpled and fell to the floor. I leapt forward holding his frail body, screaming his name, begging him to not die on me. He looked at me and smiled, he looked at peace.

"Please take care of Tommy and Tubbo for me."

I was frozen, my body only shook with violent sobs as he closed his eyes. I begged for him to wake up, I pleaded for him to open his eyes and hug me again, I needed him alive. Please. I felt Philza pull me away, I used the last bit of my strength to push away from him, I hugged his body in my arms as I sang a lullaby, the one I used to lull Tommy and Tubbo asleep. My voice was hoarse and scratchy but I didn't care, he died. I watched him die, I cradled Wilbur in my arms until his last breath. I couldn't let go, my clothes were soaked in his blood as I held his lifeless body. I swayed him back and forth as I balled. I remember finishing the lullaby before I passed out.

I awoke in my room, the blood still on my clothes as I got up. I walked into my living room being greeted by Tommy and Tubbo. They walked up to me and embraced me, I sobbed for what felt like the hundredth time that evening as I held the two boys for dear life.

Nobody was the same after his death. I stayed in bed for days, Tommy had to force me outside even for just a couple minutes. I noticed Tubbo started to rebuild L'manburg again, it was nice. I also heard that he was president. I was weary, forcing a 17 year old to run a country was never a good thing, I helped him a lot. I helped govern L'manburg so he didn't feel pressured. I yelled at people who abused his kindness, I just wanted to be there for him.

I remember Tommy and Ranboo burning down George's house one day. He was taken to court, I wanted to take the blame for him and I tried to. I told them I instigated the fire and that it was my fault but Dream refused to acknowledge me. That's when I met Ghostbur.

I was picking flowers for Tubbos bees when I was met with a ghostly apparition of my president. My body froze and I dropped the flowers, just stared at him as he introduced himself. My legs moved on their own as I went to hug him but I just ran through him. I tried to touch him, to hold him once more but it kept phasing through. My mind taunted me as I put my hands on my ears. Crying softly as Ghostbur panicked and tried to give me some blue, I shakley smiled and took it. I felt the voices stop and my body became relaxed again. I thanked him and ran away, I couldn't look at him, he reminds me of that memory.

I wore the L'manburg uniform every day to honour him, it was worn down but I forced myself to learn how to sew and stitch so I could continue wearing it. It was the last memory I have of him anymore, I need to preserve it. 

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