Alohomora Always Works (part 2)

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Thats when the idea hit me. For once, I had the upper hand. "Granger. I think I know where we can get pearl dust, but don't ask where. Just follow me." Granger's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but she agreed and reluctantly began to put her belongings away into her leather satchel. I did the same, and soon we were walking side by side in the corridor in silence.

Granger didn't ask where we were going, but I knew by the cautious look on her face and the brisk way she walked that she was burning with questions. Not to mention that her precious ego had been damaged, because I had been the first to discover where to get this particular ingredient. I could feel Granger grow more and more suspicious of me as we walked down a flight of staircases and entered the dungeons. I noticed as she hugged herself, shivering. I was less affected by the cold, by now I was used to the cold environment. The corridors were nearly empty, as most students had retreated to their common rooms already.

The air felt fridgid and dense, and I observed the dungeons through Granger's eyes. To me, it resembled my child hood home, and the Malfoy Manner, in which I spent a large chunk of my time as a child. The green tinge of the dungeons felt cool and familiar. I was at home here. Through Granger's eyes, though, it felt cold and damp and unwelcoming. The wet scent in the air a source of discomfort rather than a source of ease.

"Um... Pansy, where are we going?" She questioned, avoiding eye contact with me. I smirked at her discomfort, taking comfort in the fact that she didn't feel secure here, and I did.

"I told you not to ask, you'll see." I answered, quickening my pace. She quickened hers in order to keep up with me. Thankfully, Peeves wasn't around to put an end to our little excursion. He rarely ventured into the dungeons, on account of being fearful of the Bloody Barron.

I stopped when we arrived in-front of a semi-large wooden door. Granger hadn't realized I'd stopped, and knocked into me, her face coloring as she backed away a comfortable distance. I shot her a dirty look as I gestured toward the door.

"We're here." I said, examining Granger expectantly for a reaction. She quizzically looked at the door and then back at me, the redness on her face fading. Her eyes narrowed.

"Snape's office? We're going to steal pearl dust?" She questioned. Bloody hell. I had hoped that she had never been to his office before, and would help me unlock his door unknowingly. I had been planning to tell her it was a spare student store room. I sighed, knowing good, perfect Granger would never agree to my plan. I reached into my pocket and gripped my wand, preparing to obliviate her when something stopped me. A slight smile tugged at the corner of Granger's lips. Caught off guard, I loosened my grip.

"It's easy, I've done this before." She smiled slightly, in a sheepish but also rebellious way. I stared at her in shock.

"What? When?" I implored, desperately curious for an explanation. Granger had broken into Snape's office before? What had she stolen the first time round? Granger brushed off my questions, and tried to yank open the door. The door remained stubbornly shut. Promising myself that I'd interrogate Granger later about this, I grabbed my wand out of my robes and held It close to the heavy metal keyhole.

"Alohamora." The keyhole made a quiet, strained metallic sound, and I pushed Granger to the side and pulled on the door myself. Merlin. It remained stubbornly shut. "It didn't work." I stated, shaking my wand slightly as if it was my wand that had broken. Granger scoffed and pushed me aside, lifting her own wand from her robes.

"Alohomora." she muttered softly, flicking her wand quickly and tapping the keyhole lightly with the tip. The lock made a satisfying click, and Granger pushed the door open with ease. I gaped at her, feeling myself flush with embarrassment at how easily she had cast the spell. But something distracted me from my envy. Granger stood, frozen in horror as she peered inside the office. Confused as to what provoked this reaction from her, I hastily peered into the office. My breath hitched as I looked.

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