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01| Skyscrapers and Men In Suits

01| Skyscrapers and Men In Suits

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My excited screech filled up whole of our tiny house which got Mason running to my rescue thinking I was in some deep trouble like always.

"You alright, kiddo?" He eyed me worriedly and his once troubled face switched to an annoyed scowl at my sight.

"Look at me! I'm beyond alright!" I continued jumping on the bed like a lunatic kangaroo.

"You scared me! What happ-" He stopped mid-sentence when I flung myself straight at him. Thanks to my petite self and his well built body, he saved my over excited ass from toppling down the carpeted floor.

"When will my little sister ever grow up?" He chuckled, carefully placing me down.

"I am a grown up, dork." I punched him in the gut which didn't affect him one bit. "You're gonna be so proud of me."

My wide smile of victory passed onto him which worked like a cherry on top for me. He always found his happiness in mine. If only he knew how grateful I was for that. We were each other's only family but we were enough. We were all that we needed in our small little world.

"I'm always proud of you, kiddo!" He cupped my face. "Won't you tell me what's all this about?"

"You don't have to work extra shifts. We'll share responsibilities. I will no longer be a burden on you. I got the job! I'm a junior research analyst! Oh my god! Can you believe it?"

"You're never a burden on me. Get that straight," he said sternly. "Anyway, come here. I'm so happy for you." He pulled me into a hug. "Did you thank Caleb yet? He was the one to give out your reference."

That got me a bit worried. Mason thought I got the job in the firm where his friend Caleb worked.

"Uh.. It's not that firm. It's Grayson Incorporations," I announced, proud of myself. It was the biggest group of companies in the entire country and it takes a great deal to get a job there.

Mason never liked the idea of me working there because of his over protective behavior when it came to me. He wanted me to work in that small firm where Caleb worked so that he could basically babysit me while Mason wasn't around.

He abruptly lifted himself off the bed, a sour look etched on his face. "Why don't you ever listen to me, Vittoria? I gave you permission to work only on one condition, that being you can only work where I allow you to," he yelled from across the room.

My smile faded. My mood switched to clear anger and frustration. "You're not the boss of me okay. I'm twenty two for fuck's sake. I can make decisions for myself. Besides, I don't need a man to control me."

"As if anyone at all can control you." He scoffed, muttering under his breath and left my room closing the door with a loud thud.

"Thanks for congratulating me," I yelled angrily at him but I doubt he heard that. "And dampening my happy mood," I mumbled, slumping down the bed dejectedly.

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