Reaching upstairs, he hurled me inside his room and closed the door harshly. I stood there shaking with fear. He looked scary. Extremely scary.
He tilted his head, forming an evil grin on his face. I couldn't move. I...
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Sunlight impaled through the glass window, directly setting over my eyes as I opened them begrudgingly. The immediate hit of light amplified the ache in my head.
Groaning, I lifted my body up and a smile crept up my face when my eyes fell over the covered glass of water and a painkiller placed on the side table. But the reason for my smile was the small note laying next to it.
Dear Vittoria Andress,
You were a pain in the ass but I'll still try my best to ease your pain.
With love, The Good Mafia.
"Liam." I giggled. He's as much as a drama queen as me.
Good thing today was a Sunday or else I'd surely have to take a leave. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror and made a mental note to not appear before Liam before humanizing myself. Poor guy's afraid of ghosts.
I stepped into the shower and my eyes roamed over my ugly body. I immediately looked away, trying to ignore my own self. Taking an extra long shower whilst trying to remember what happened last night and failing at it, I finally got ready and headed out. I needed human interaction.
Just when I moved out of my room, I collided with a wall which I'm pretty sure didn't exist until yesterday. A wall which spoke.
"Miss Andress." He smirked. "It's been long since we've bumped into each other."
How can I forget. I bumped into him and my life turned into an action movie with a pinch of drama and a dash of dark humor.
"Good morning to you too Mr Grayson." I looked up through my lashes.
His whimsical look switched to a stony ones and he grabbed my wrist, dragging me into the direction of his room. This man is seriously bipolar.
"What are you doing Rafael." I tried keeping up with his speed as usual.
"Taking you to my room." He said curtly.
"I can see that. I'm asking why?"
"Because my room has a lock on the inside." He first slammed the door and then me against it.
His darkened eyes sized me up like I was an open book. His chest pressed hard against mine must've felt my heart which beats a little louder whenever he's around. The crimson of my face formed an impish smile on his seductive lips.
"Rafael." I squirmed, embarrassed. I didn't have to make it so obvious.
"What do you remember from last night?" He demanded, his shoulders tensing at the question.
A sudden surge of panic piqued through me but it went away as soon as it came. It definitely can't be what I'm thinking. Things would have been very different if that was the case.