C H A P T E R 09

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09|Guest Or Prisoner?

"Yay!" Toby pumped his fist in the air

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"Yay!" Toby pumped his fist in the air.

Liam flashed me a warm smile and Oliver's reaction was meh.

Rafael ignored my mini welcome to the prison party and walked over to the twins. "Any news from the fight clubs?"

I anxiously await their replies. The playful look on their face transformed into a serious one. "No. Nothing at all. Mason was very careful about it."

No shit Sherlock! He's a spy. I still can't believe it. I don't know if I was happy or sad hearing that news.

"Toby, guide her to her room." Rafael ordered.

He bowed down to me smiling, swinging a hand before me. "After you my lady."

I tried not to smile, but was highly unsuccessful. Following him upstairs, I found myself in a room, my room with no lock not on the inside, only on the outside.

Definitely a guest.

Opening a drawer in the side table, I slid in the painting. Thankfully no one saw it. It's not like I could hide it forever or there's something very secretive in it but I just don't want any more drama today.

"How are you feeling Vittoria?" Toby asked with genuine concern.

"Awesome." I beamed. "Isn't it every girl's dream to be kept hostage by a hot mafia boss and his three sidekicks?"

"I'm highly offended Miss Andress." He feigned hurt.

"Oh is it? What part offended you? Being called his sidekick?"

"No." He pouted. "Not being called hot."

A soft giggle left my lips seeing him that way. Liam shortly made an appearance.

"You have been summoned." He sighed and I huffed. What now?

We began progressing to the the study, passing god knows how many long corridors. This mansion was huge, like really huge.

"Vittoria." Liam's voice stopped me from knocking on the door of the study where according to him, I was summoned. He looked hesitant, as if having trouble to say whatever it was.

"Your cliffhanger of a face is killing me Liam." I pressed.

"I.. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you. I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry." He said, his head hung low.

"Aww come on Liam. It's nothing." I assured, knocking on the door.

"Enter." Rafael's stern voice called us in.

He was rested against the table, his long legs crossed leisurely while Oliver was seated on the sofa with his usual Rivera face on. "Now will you please tell us what's going on?"

The Esztar Code | A Mafia Romance Thriller |18+|Where stories live. Discover now