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70 | Breaking Apart

70 | Breaking Apart

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He did what?

All I could do was gape at him in pure shock. I tried speaking but words didn't seem to find a way out. Unsure of how to react, I looked over at Liam.

His expressions clearly said he was equally happy with Alvaro's death. Have they both lost it?

Shaking my head, I asked Liam to call a doctor but this stubborn Rafael over here denied any help, trudging up to his room by himself.

"What's wrong with you, Rafael?" I slammed the door shut once we reached his room. I was more furious than worried.

He ignored me and walked into the bathroom, washing his face and hands. Turns out the blood flowing from his chest was the only one belonging to him. Rest wasn't his.



I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I forcefully tugged him out, pushing him down on his bed. My fingers trembled as they unbuttoned his shirt. I hissed at the sight of the cut. It was bad.

"How could you be so careless, Rafael." I scolded him. This must hurt so much.

"Excuse me? I was fighting about twenty men singlehandedly." He said defensively. "But it's cute how you're worried about me." He grinned, flashing his perfect white teeth.

Is he for real?

I remained impassive, soaking the cotton with the antiseptic solution. "This is going to sting like a bitch but it's gonna heal you."

"I'm not a kid." He retorted.

I winced as the cotton touched his wound while it didn't affect him one bit. He was instead busy gawking at my chest, enjoying the view as I was bent a little to clean his damn wound.

"Stop being a pervert." I frowned, pressing the cotton harshly over the cut.

"Ouch! I was just trying to divert my mind somewhere else." He complained, tracing his fingers over my collarbone. "Now is it my fault you aren't wearing a bra?"

"Rafael." I closed my eyes, irritated. "I'm trying hard not to crack your skull."

"No but seriously, why are you roaming around in a house full of men with no bra?"

"Firstly, I'm wearing two layers. Secondly, my back burns like hell if I wear one. Thirdly, others aren't as perverted as you."

"I'm a pervert only for you." He winked.

"Stop it, Rafael!" I threw the cotton swab. "Do you even know the consequences of your action? As much as we hate to admit, Luca is a threat to us. We have to be afraid of him as long we don't have Camila back."

"She is with the Visitant, not Luca." He looked away.

"Are we still thinking they're two opposite parties? The Visitant has clearly showed his alliance to Luca and Nikolai. What if Luca hurts Camila to avenge his brother's death? He's not going to let it slide." I yelled.

The Esztar Code | A Mafia Romance Thriller |18+|Where stories live. Discover now