Me Alpha, He Alpha, Yippie, or not?

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Alyssa POV.

Friday morning

A ringing disturbed my dream in a cruel way. I cursed under my breath and slammed the alarm clock against the wall. It shattered to pieces, damn wolf strength. Yes, that’s right I’m a werewolf, a mutt. An Alpha Mutt to be exact. 

"Alyssa, That better not be another alarm clock!" My mom yelled. I cringed.

"Sorry." Since my dad died in a pack war last year my mom was the only one I had left, well except for Tess. Though I was the formal Alpha, my mom helped me out a lot. She had always helped dad when he led the pack and sort of took over when he died. She assured me I would be in complete control again when I was up for it. For now I would listen to her well meant advise, though it may bug me sometimes.

"Alyssa Davis, you get your butt out of bed right now. Those clocks ring for a reason you know." My mom said, popping her head around my door. I growled, got up and shuffled to the bathroom splashing warm water on my face, I finally woke up completely. I ran down the stairs and started shoving food into my mouth. Mom sighed and placed a paper lunch packet on the table.

"Thanks, mom you are amazing." Mom smiled and pulled her long blond hair in a messy bun.

"Would you just hurry for school?" she asked, pretending to be mad. Suddenly my cat, called Contessa or short Tess jumped on my lap. Purring loudly she stole some bacon off of my plate and ran off. I had Tess from the moment her mother got ran over by a car and she sat meowing beside the road. I had to bottle fed her and raised her.

"You better run." I screamed after her laughing. I got up grabbed my bag and lunch, gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and ran out. I got into the car I inherited from my dad, an old car, his first and it still drives amazing. A Rolls Royce silver shadow II from 1977. He called him Royce and I have continued calling him that.

"Good morning Royce. Ready to pick up the girls?"  I asked, while I turned the key.

The girls were my best friends Lane, Denny and Chelsea. Adeline hated her name so we always called her Lane. Same goes for Danielle. The didn’t live to far from me as every member of the pack tries to live as close to the Alpha as possible. Of course, my friends are wolfs, too. I believe honesty is the best base for a friendship. (eccept when they are wearing something horrible of course, be honest not cruel!) A human would not accept my second nature so easily.

As I stopped at Chelsea’s house, she came out of the door. She skipped to my car and got in the front seat.

"Good morning.” She said as she pressed the play button of my I-pod. She was a cute girl, she had somewhat of a doll face, but what was most special about her was her character. She could go from utterly depressed to overjoyed and back without a reason, much to the irritation of others. I smiled as she rattled on not really listening to her. Denny was already waiting as I pulled up in front of her house. She slid into the back seat and shot Chelsea an annoyed look as she rattled on.

"Chelsea, can you pipe down for a sec? I’m trying to hear the music!” I said tapping on my I-pod, I wasn’t being mean. I didn’t even care for music all that much, but it’s an Alpha’s task to keep peace in her pack and Denny got annoyed with Chelsea quickly. We listened to the song for a moment.

“How was your weekend, Denny?” Chelsea asked forgetting about my request. They talked until we came by Lane’s doorstep. She came out and joined Denny in the back seat. I drove to school. The second I got out Blondie came walking towards me.

“Look who’s here, its Birdie and her pack of sheep.” Denny whispered, I chuckled under my breath.

“Morning, Hoe.” Blondie sat as she stepped up two me. I growled under my breath, but controlled myself instead of killing her, I sneered:

“For someone who just got suspended for making out in a classroom, you’ve got a big mouth. Birdie.” She turned a whole new shade of purple and made choking noises. Chelsea laughed as I walked past Blondie into the school. My phone went off and I opened it, holding to my ear.

“Alyssa, here.” I said opening my locker with one hand.

“Am I talking to Alpha Alyssa Davis?” A deep but strangely familiar voice asked.

“That will be the one.” I said in a serious tone.

“I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m Daniel Lua of the mountain pack.” The voice said. My pack roamed the valley as the Mountain pack guarded the mountain. When I was younger Daniel often stayed in our house to discuss or make agreements.

“Uncle Dan.” I said happily. The man chuckled.

“You haven’t changed at all have you, little one?” He asked.

“Condolence for your father sweets. Listen your father called me a month before he passed because you have too many girl wolves and almost no boys am I correct?” He asked. I nodded, but quickly realized he couldn’t see it and said:

“Yeah, he told me.” I heard Daniel cough, before he asked:

“Did he also mention our packs would meet in a mating ceremony, because I have too many boys?” I gave a positive answer.

“He didn’t mention when though.” I said.

“Will next moon be okay?” Daniel asked.

“That can be arranged.” I said as the school bell rang.

“Crap, I need to go Uncle Dan, see you next week.”

“Don’t forget to tell Mary.” He yelled before I could hang up. Mary was my mom, Mary Alyssa Murdoch. I rushed to class and quickly jogged to my class. Mrs. Collins looked up for a sec when I came in, but didn’t say anything. I didn’t expect her to, She was part of my pack and correcting your Alpha is a bit strange.

“Why doesn’t she have to get a note from the head?” Birdie sneered.

“Do not disturb the class, Birdie.” Mrs Collins said turning to the blackboard to write down the answers of our homework.

“Why are you late?’ Danny whispered. I raised my brow and smiled a bit.

“The Alpha of the mountain pack called. We’re having a combined mating ceremony next week. Sunday.” Danny smiled and started to write down the notes from the board. I didn’t really paid attention to the class. It was biology and I didn’t really need to be in the lesson. Last week Danny had been pissed at me, because I never did anything or learned anything biology related and got an A for my test, though she tried and even had some tutoring and got a B. But hey, that isn’t my fault is it? I carefully got my books out and started to draw. First I drew Danny then I got out my pencils and started to colour her brown hair and dark blue eyes. Her pale skin remained white.

“Hey, who’s that?” She asked. Did I forgot to mention I suck at drawing?


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