Chapter 3

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It's been a week since LN/YN started her studies at Jujutsu Tech and her three classmates are already used to her presence despite her not being the most talktive person. Itadori has done some efforts to get her out of her she'll but after spending an afternoon with her having lunch he noticed that she's not as reserved as Fushiguro, she likes to joke and talk to people, it's just that she doesn't know how to start conversations.

Y/N told Kugisaki that she's known Toge Inumaki since they were kids because both of their clans have gotten along for centuries but unlike Inumaki's, L/N Clan's Curse Technique can vary from each family member; however she's mastered her technique for years being able to be a Semi-Grade 1 as well.

Unlike the both extrovert students, Y/N and Fushiguro's conversations are not too long and are mostly related to studies wether sharing study notes one of them couldn't write down during class or ask for a favor if the other one is busy at the moment. The ravenette has managed to keep his cool on asking her about the Curse Technique she uses after Kugisaki said Y/N already told her but prefers to use Curse Weapons like Maki when training, that being said; he already assumed her technique might be similar to Inumaki's.

"L/N-san! Want to go for something to eat before the next missions?" Offers a cheerful Itadori already placing his wallet in his pocket.

"Sure, but I'll pay for my food" Y/N smiles subtly remembering that last time she was with Itadori they both had a little fight in front of a cashier because he wanted to pay for her meal.

Both started their way to a small Coffee Shop, Kugisaki and Fushiguro watching them leave and laughing when Itadori asked her if she knew Jennifer Lawrence.

"It's related to her hands, isn't it?" Asks Fushiguro out of the sudden sitting on the entrance stairs looking at his classmates and she frowns.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she crosses arms and tilts her head.

"Ever since she arrived, L/N-san is always wearing gloves. Is her technique related to her hands?" Fushiguro insists and the redhead is a little annoyed by that.

"If you want to know so badly why don't you ask her? I once asked you about your Shikigami and you told me with no hesitation" her face expression softens at the thought that her friend might not feel close enough to Y/N to ask such thing, but she's no one to speak for Y/N and share things without her consent.

Fushiguro has to find it out on his own.

"Do you think she would tell me?" The boy stares at the floor and frowns a little. Why is he so down by that? Is he overthinking about such a simple question? Kugisaki is known for making fun of her friends in a friendly way, but there's something about Fushiguro's expression that is worrying her.

"That I don't know, because I'm not her" she arches her back to look at the sky "But you can't think that she won't tell you if you haven't asked her yet" she closes her eyes remembering her old friend from childhood "Don't drown yourself in a glass of water".

Fushiguro sighs, Itadori and Kugisaki were the ones who approached him in terms of speaking, he didn't had to start a conversation that he would consider "close", he mostly share a couple of words when scolding them or discussing their ways to finish missions.

None of them spoke a word after that, the redhead took his silence as a "thanks" because he didn't leave. The other two arrived minutes later and the four met with Gojo Sensei to discuss what their next mission was going to be about.

"Several citizens have been missing in an abandoned park and just a couple have heard cries and moans after midnight, not sure who might be making those sounds" Gojo explains at the front seat and his classmates nod in the back seat checking the extra information on the tablet he provided.

"There's a woman that says her daughter was screaming her name when she lost sight of her in the park, she eventually found her but the screams echoed over the park's fence" Fushiguro scrolls the tablet's screen recollecting all the information he can and passes the device to Itadori

"So that means her daughter wasn't the one making those noises" Kugisaki takes a peek at the tablet and the four of them nod, Gojo smiling listening how his students are becoming faster at thinking.

"Must be a curse, there's no way her daughter's voice echoes if she hasn't spoken yet, that's not how acoustic works" says Itadori and shares the device to Y/N whom is sitting at the edge.

"Anyhow, let's do this quickly so we can head to a restaurant after this" Kugisaki tells Y/N and this last one nods smiling.

The car stops at the entrance of the park, must be around 8pm, the crickets and frogs singing at the pond where some fireflies can be seen too; the view looks everything but scary or a place a curse would like to kidnapped people.

The four students walk together in the park but so far the found nothing, not even Fushiguro's Divine Dog could make a trace of the curse. Itadori looks over his shoulder remembering the woman's story on the news they read half an hour ago.. The fence

"Let's head out to the park, this place seems not having curses but if we follow what the women from that article said about her daughter, means that the curse is not here"

"But rather out of the park, using this place to find victims" Y/N finishes Itadori's sentence and he gives her thumbs up, the other two nod and make their way deeper in the park to reach the fence that separates the joyful park and the forest.

"Can you keep your Divine Dogs right in front the fence in case the curse appears over here? Nue can help us locate anything from the sky too" suggests Kugisaki who already has her hammer on her right hand, Fushiguro nods and signs his Shikigami to stay before summoning the Japanese folklore owl.

With that, the four of them started their way at the depths of the forest in complete silence trying to pay attention to any sound while Fushiguro often looks over taking care of his Shikigami. It's been almost another half an hour and nothing has happened yet, but none of them are going back until the curse is exorcised.

"Shall we separate in teams of two to make this faster?" suggests Kugisaki "Nue is up there and can alert us better than anyone and we can cover more space if we separate" she places her hands on her hips and looks at her classmates.

"What if the curse copies any of our voices? Wouldn't that trick us?" Expresses Fushiguro with his known serious face.

"We can use codewords" Itadori explains "that way we can tell if it's one of us or the curse speaking from afar. The other three look at each other for a few seconds

"Let's do this" Y/N breaks the silence and the rest nods.

After discussing how they were going to separate the teams, they considered on keeping it balanced, one that can attack from afar and other one that can fight close-ranged. Thus, the teams part ways, Itadori with Kugisaki and Fushiguro with Y/N

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