Chapter 5

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Oi! Sorry for the typos, English is not my first language but I'm doing my best to express myself properly, also you might find the "love development" slow but that's because I wanna stay loyal to Fushiguro's personality.

Thank you for the votes and comments! It makes me really happy!


It's been 5 minutes since Fushiguro and Y/N started running, the girl pressing onto the wall making her curse take control of the earth and pushing it forward; even if she's a strong and well-known Sorcerer using her stamina to run and using her technique non-stop in a place where she can barely see and breath is too much for her body to handle.

Fushiguro holding onto her hood and running behind her he wishes he could do more for her, knowing that she's the one doing all the job but then again, his Shikigamis are not the solution in this predicament. Rocks falling with every step they make the poor ravenette will often put a hand over his head for precaution.

"We are almost there, bear with me!" Y/N shouts still running, her hands getting colder and her heartbeat becoming more unsteady.

"I will!" Fushiguro screams, aware that once they see the moonlight it will be his turn to protect the rest of his classmates.

He can't allow himself to stay behind, he has to help the people he cares for.

"Doesn't it hurt your hands?!" Fushiguro says loudly for his classmate to hear among the collision she's leaving behind.

"Like hell" Y/N replies back "But I can't allow myself to stop now, always look forward, Fushiguro-san. If there's a wall blocking your way then just break it". The ravenette stayed silent after those words, remembering why he's at Jujutsu Tech in the first place, remembering how Itadori didn't hesitate on saving his classmates.

Everyone is doing their best, everyone is fighting their own battles

After three more minutes the students finally made it to the surface, both of them happy to see the trees, the crickets, the flowers, the sky and the moon. Itadori and Kugisaki fighting the cursed spirit which was almost already beaten just a few feet away from them.

"Hey! Over here!" Itadori screams to his classmates who appeared from the ground like flowers. "Kugisaki!" alerting the redhead to dodge an attack from the spirit.

Fushiguro didn't stop running and positioned his hands to summon Nue Plus Gama in order to restrain the spirit's limbs so his classmates can exorcise it easier, for a moment he asked the command to lift the spirit with his Shikigami's tongues remembering how the spirit created a hole on the ground, if the spirit had an opening to do it again they would be screwed, after all Y/N was already tired for overusing her cursed energy non-stop just a couple of minutes ago.

Hopefully the students were fast, fighting in sync exorcising the spirit with no problem now that they were all together. There was no extra finger so they didn't have to be careful with more spirits coming on their way; so for now Y/N was the priority, Itadori offered himself to carry her back to the car, meanwhile Kugisaki and Fushiguro walked behind them.

The silent between the last two was loud, Kugisaki looking her new friend resting on Itadori's arms, her hands swollen and getting red, several scratches in her palms showing a little bit of blood. She then turns her head and looks at Fushiguro who only had some scratches on his cheeks and dust on his hair.

"Stop making that expression" Kugisaki frowns not looking at her introvert classmate beside her "You think that you are good at hiding your feelings and thoughts but that's not it".

"I don't get what you're saying" the boy says nonchalantly.

"Whatever happened down there" she said abruptly pausing for a couple of seconds "It wasn't your fault" Fushiguro watches how her face softens still not making eye contact with him "I don't understand why boys like to put up a I'm a tough guy look, one thing is to feel weak and another one is to allow yourself being weak" the redhead increased her steps to be next to Itadori and a sleeping Y/N.

"Tch!" Fushiguro frowns and continuous walking behind the other three, Kugisaki's words resonating in his mind.

His childhood wasn't the best and with his aloof and stoic attitude he didn't find himself making lots of friends, he was known during junior high for being a troublemaker but just because people know you doesn't mean you can consider them your friends, he was sure about that, the only person that might understand him; his older sister, was now far away from reality.

Fushiguro will often find himself in a subconscious loop, at this point he doesn't know why he always restrains himself from socializing and siince when he started to have anxiety. Does he avoid people because he doesn't like them or is it because he doesn't like himself enough to be with people?

He treasures every moment he can sleep because he won't be able to think, just relax and forget about everything that stresses him and that includes himself. But doing those kind of things won't solve anything, he is only playing dumb and pretending they're not there and that's making him feel tired already.

Am I making this harder than it actually is?

Y/N was placed at the backseat of the car, Gojou proceeded to call someone to pick her since the space was little with the four of them in the car. Itadori and Kugisaki insisted on just making her lay on their legs, they clearly didn't want to be away from her, Gojou accepted the suggestion but Fushiguro was worried about possible injuries they weren't able to see yet, Kugisaki just brushed it off with a "Then we just have to be careful with her".

Gojou and Itadori were at the front while Kugisaki and Fushiguro were at the back with Y/N resting on their laps, the girl playing with her classmates hair and the ravenette just watching outside the window. That was his usual state but Kugisaki knew that maybe he was still overthinking about the previous incidents and their conversation; if you can call it like that.

It was impossible for me to help her down there.

Fushiguro repeated those words to himself their way to Jujutsu Tech, after all Y/N was right; the place was to small for his technique but there's always that pinch of guilt that consume humans, all the what-ifs that makes us anxious and he wasn't an exception. He was the one with the least amount of wounds, he barely did anything, or that's what he thought.

Kugisaki deep down knows what her classmate might be thinking, he can't hide behind his poker face when his own body is showing his true self, his fist trembling in.. Anger? Hatred? Envy? He might think he was useless for this mission, but at the end of the day the four of them were alive, breathing, he was so focused on what everyone did that he completely forgot that he was the one holding onto Y/N's hood, looking after her and then he fought with his friends alongside.

So why can't he see that?


People from the prefecture were taking care of Y/N while the rest were having dinner, Itadori chilling the mood but a little nervous about his new friend. Kugisaki comforting the two boys on her own way, making mean comments that hide reassuring words after all she was nervous too.

The door of the homeroom opens and a thin figure walks inside the room, quiet, examining the place and his kouhai's faces.

"Kelp" Inumaki closes his eyes clearly smiling behind the collar of his hoodie. He makes his way to sit next to Itadori, greeting everyone.

"Inumaki-senpai, Y/N is-"

"Salmon" interrupts Inumaki placing his hand on Itadori's shoulder, his childhood friend wasn't in the room, he knew what was going on because Gojou talked to him first.

Despite the lack of Inumaki's vocabulary, his teachers and classmates learned not only the message behind the onigiri ingredients but also reading his body language, the tone of his voice, if he ever breathe heavily or he sighed softly. He was okay, his silence calmed the four kouhais, he knows Y/N better than them so the only thing they could do for now is holding onto that reassuring silence from his senpai.

Holding on tightly

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