Chapter 13

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Jealousy, hatred, sorcerers despised anyone with L/N in their name for generations. Some members of that family tried to proof their worth by becoming outstanding Jujutsu Sorcerers in order to protect their family by all means, but the damage was already done.

The respect was gone.

As soon as the first L/N body fell a war was declared, or to put it better a massacre. Killing someone was against The L/N Clan's principles and sadly the family kept that motto until their last breath, refusing to fight back, not wanting to draw a katana, none of them begged for mercy when their lives were taken away from them.

Or at least that was the executor thought, because deep in the forest were no one could followed them there was the real and only head of The L/N's Clan and a child, Y/N's grandmother was just a decoy; the truly head and leader was L/N M/N.

Y/N's mother.

A Special Grade Sorcerer, who lived in the dark shadows for her well-being and her daughter who just like her, inherited the family's Matter Cursed Technique and at the age of five Y/N showed the first manifestation of her Innate Technique which came from the family's adapting itself in Y/N's body making her the only one to posses that amount of power and cursed energy.

M/N took the years she knew she had left to train her daughter and prepared her for what was coming, she was already old for the eyes' of the Jujutsu World, but Y/N was still a kid, she had several years left, she had to grow stronger physically and mentally even if she didn't want to marry a sorcerer and have a family, even if she didn't want to bring the Clan back. M/N strongly believed her daughter was free to do whatever she wanted because freedom was the most important thing for their family.

She kept in contact with Noritoshi Kamo's mother, both women exiled from their reality one being separated from her son and the other being separated from the rest of her family. The Kamo's Clan was one of the families who despised them, but Kamo's mom talked wonders about them to her son so he could see the true colors about Kamo's Clan even if it cost her life and her freedom.

All the strength she endured, all her sorrow where put in the frontline the moment she had to give her daughter away, the fear of her daughter being chased was too strong for the mother to handle even if the massacre had occurred almost a decade ago. Fortunately a non-sorcerer family accepted her, not aware the big potential of woman they were going to have under their roof.

Until now, is unknown who ordered the execution of The L/N Clan but one things was sure, they never thought that that last woman standing smiling before the sword pierced through her heart; had let a child behind.

M/N died with a smile, freedom; the word that their family wore with pride and devotion was proven at the purest act of love from a mother to her child.

She gave her freedom away so her daughter could have hers..

No.. Her daughter had always been free since the day she felt her move inside.


The elementary school is supposed to be a nice and fun place, at least that's how the parents describe it to their children, but this one felt from a horror movie, the air was too heavy and the sensation of something jumping up to attack out of the sudden was alive in every single corner; the hallways felt cold, they were empty yet filled with a dark presence.

This is terrifying

Fushiguro had summoned his Divine Dog to increased the chances on finding the cursed spirit sooner, Itadori, Nanami, Kugisaki and Y/N were alert, listening to everything and prepared for the worst.

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