Chapter 3.5

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"You settled those two, right?" Itadori places his hands behind his head to rest and looks at Kugisaki

"Fushiguro has been overthinking about stupid things rather than facing them, he can take this as an opportunity and still get to exorcise the curse. Two birds one stone" she replies making no eye contact with the boy next to her.

On the other side of the forest, Fushiguro and Y/N are walking in silence paying attention to their surroundings and checking up on Nue from time to time. The ravenette deep down knows Kugisaki paired those two with the purpose of him to talk to his classmate, but once again he struggles starting a conversation.

"This doesn't make sense" Y/N stops in her tracks and checks up on Nue again

"What are you thinking?" Fushiguro takes a few steps back to her and places his hands inside his pockets

"We're too far away from the park, why would a mother or a daughter walk until here when they have a peaceful place in the opposite direction" she says pointing at the direction where they left the fence.

"If the curse can imitate people's voices, means that it can scream and trick them. Like Kugisaki's voice asking for help, we would fall for that" the boy says and notice a small smile drawing on Y/N "What?"

"Kugisaki asking for help" Y/N closes her eyes and chuckles in his breath, making Fushiguro smile a little realizing that what he said about the redhead would be the least to happen on Earth.

Fushiguro looked over to witness Nue again before looking at the girl he is walking with, Y/N is looking forward with a serious face, maybe trying to focus more on listening the sounds the forest is making.

"Your Shikigamis can't smell them or find them from above" Y/N whispers to herself enough for the ravenette to hear and he nods. Her face frowning trying to come up with an explanation of what's happening.

Fushiguro walks and rests his back against a tree with arms crossed but not too far from Y/N. She turns her head to acknowledge the presence of her classmate and walks towards him, sitting on the grass still thinking about the curse.

"No smell, no sight" Y/N repeats to herself, Fushiguro watching the leaves move with the wind, waiting for a surprise attack at any second but often taking a peek to her classmate on the floor and her black gloves on her hands.

Suddenly Y/N stans up abruptly startling the ravenette boy who is watching the trees like crazy and pointing his hands prepared for what's coming.

"No smell and no sight, your Shikigamis can't trace the curse using those senses" Y/N not moving an inch as if something bad was about to happen.

"You're saying the course might have no smell or be invisible?" Fushiguro doing his best to hold his coolness but still with the guard up, Y/N shakes her head slowly.

"Something is blocking those senses and your Shikigamis can track the curse because of that" she looks at the grass "We need to find Kugisaki-san and Itadori-san, now" says a frightened Y/N.

"Do you feel o-"


The floor suddenly opens making a big hole over them, dragging both students down earth confirming Y/N's thoughts about the curse; Fushiguro's Shikigami weren't able to find the curse this entire time because it wasn't on the surface in the very first place but rather below them.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲 - 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now