Chapter 13:The Scarlet Witch

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After school, Miles went around the city to make sure that there was nothing going on. Which there was, but it was nothing major. Just a few bank robbers and muggers, and drug dealers. While Miles was swinging, he got a call from Kelly.

Kelly:Hey, Miles you okay?

Miles:Yeah, other than Ava breaking up with me and Terry beating the life out of me at lunch, I'm all good.

Kelly:I hope you feel better.

Miles:Thanks. You too.

After Miles got off the phone with Kelly, he headed to a sub sandwich shop, got his sandwich, and was stopped on his way out.

Natasha:Miles Morales.

Miles:Buddy. If I had a nickel for every time my government name was said, I would be richer than Peter Parker.

Natasha:Which one?

Miles:You know?

Natasha:SHIELD knows everything, Morales. They also know you're the amateur Spider-Man.

Miles:Amateur? What are you here for?

Natasha:You and those spider guys knew about the SHIELD and HYDRA war before we did. So, wanted to help settle this.

Miles:If I am not wrong, you guys were trying to kill and the original Spider-Man.

Natasha:You learn new things everyday kid. Now, let's go.

Miles:So, I have a question

Natasha:Yeah. What is it?

Miles:What's the deal with Wanda and SWORD?

Natasha:You don't wanna know, kid.

So Natasha drove Miles to the Avengers compound. When they got there, Anti Venom, Spider-Woman, and Captain America were waiting for them.

"It's about time you got here" said Spider-Woman.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Miles asked her.

"Jessica Drew. I had to come from Earth 1616 to get here. It wasn't fun." Jessica said.

"Sorry about that, Jessie" Cap said walking over to Miles.

"So, now that the kid's here, what are doing now" asked Anti Venom.

"Who are you?'' Miles asked Anti Venom.

"Name's Joseph. But, call me Joe".

"Our first goal is to succesfully break into the Raft, and steal Wanda back from them." answered Cap.

"How are we gonna do that?" Peter asked.

"I have a plan" said Miles.

So Miles' plan was to sneak into the Raft invisible in order to steal back Wanda. But, he knew there was going to be some challenges doing that. So, that's why he had bought back up.

"Alright, the front door is clear" Ernie said.

"I'm not using the front door" Miles said to Ernie.

"Who doesn't use the front door for an entrance?" Ernie asked Miles.

"Me!" responded.

While Miles was in the Raft, he saw someone who he didn't expect to see:The Tinkerer was going around taking out guards, so she could get to Wanda as well. But, Miles didn't let that stop him. He ran over to Wanda's cell, and contacted Cap.  "Alright, Cap I am at Wanda's-
Miles was cut off by a blast from the Tinkerer. Next, Tinkerer destroyed Wanda's cell.

"Hey, Maximoff" said Tinkerer.

"Tinkerer Wanda said to the villain. Thanks for coming by."

"No problem." Tinkerer answered. Just then, Miles punched Tinkerer and was slammed into the wall by Wanda. "Stay out of our way" Wanda said to Miles.

"I can't do that!" Miles said webbing Wanda's hand. She blasted him, which sent him flying back.

"Spider-Man!" Wanda said lifting Miles and slamming him into the ground.

"Miles! Miles! Do you hear me?" yelled Ernie through the communication system. "Cap, Miles is not answering. Something is happening." At that moment, Wanda had flew out the facility with the Tinkerer on her back.

The end. Please comment. Your opinion matters. I hope you liked this chapter. See you in the next one.

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