Chapter 14: A bunch of shit that happened

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At the Avengers tower

"How the hell did wanda get away?" Joe asked Miles.

"I don't know. But, Tinkerer helped her escaped." Miles said.

"Now, we need to find Wanda and find out if she's going to do anything dangerous without hurting her Spider-Man says. For now, we live our normal lives."

"So, I can head home?" Miles asked.

"Yeah. Go ahead. But, be ready for battle" said Cap. So, Miles around the city again to see if there was anything going on. While at it, he ran in into someone he didn't think he would. He had a purple and black suit. It had a cape and sharp claws. He called himself the Prowler.

"Buddy! Miles started. If you're wearing a dark suit with claws, you must be a bad guy. A cape doesn't make you a hero!"

"I see you like jokes" Prowler said.

"I like a good laugh or two" Miles replied, with electricity running through his fist.

"So, I'll hit you with this and you'll tell me if that is funny or not" Prowler said, trying to scratch Miles. But, Miles missed it. Then, he webbed his chest, and pulled Prowler towards him, then he punched him in the face. Prowler kicked Miles, then slammed him into the ground. Miles pushed Prowler and threw him into the air.

While they were in the air, Miles had webbed him, but the villain used his claws to escape. When they made it back to the ground, Tinkerer hit him with her sword. But, Miles held it using his super strength and used his bio electricity to malfunction the sword. But, that caused the Tinkerer's mask to come off.

"Phin?!" Miles exclaimed with surprise in his voice. Tinkerer blasted Miles, and then he received a blast from Prowler.

"Stay out of our way. Or, we'll let Shadow deal with you next time" said Prowler, to Miles.

"This is your last chance." Tinkerer told Miles. Then they left him. Miles stood up, and headed home for real. When he got home, he started looking through his dad's criminal case files.

"They still don't know who the Prowler's identity is." Miles mumbled to himself. He looked around and headed to his room. Then, Miles started researching the Prowler and Tinkerer. He also learned little bit about why Tinkerer helped Wanda escaped the Raft. "She's going to help Phin blow up the Roxxon plaza." Miles said in disbelief as he scrolled down on his laptop. Miles contacted KC and told her to tell SHIELD about what happened but she was cut off by something.

"KC!? Are you okay?"

That's the end of this chapter. I know it was to short, but I wanted it to end on a cliffhanger, plus I have a little surprise for the next chapter. You won't guess what it is. Anyway, leave your thoughts/opinions in the comments. See you in the next chapter.

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