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Did you miss me?!?


"Yo I ain't see that Jay nigga in a minute" I said pulling up to the house
"Fr, you think somebody popped his ass" Zay said through the phone
"Shiii ion even know man" I said hopping out the car locking the doors
"I sure the fuck hope not I'm tryna pop em before anybody else" he said
"Yo real shit" I agreed
I made my way over to the front door and unlocked it. I opened the door and the house was trashed.
"Yoo what the fuck" I said under my breath
No answer
I looked over to the kitchen and our side door was open.
"AALIYAH" I yelled again
I started walking towards the stairs and all of our plants were on the ground and dirt covered the floor.
"Yo what's wrong" Zay said on the other end
"The fucking house is trashed" I said shaking my head
I walked up stairs where  the dirt traveled up the steps. I made my way to her room, where her door was laying on the floor, her sheets were on the floor, her phone broken on the floor, and Blaze was laying near her sheets whining. It was a piece of paper on the floor and it said "get a better security system, this shit is too easy". At this point I'm growing concerned.

"AALIYAH, AALIYAH" I yelled running around all of upstairs.
She wasn't here
"YOO ADONIS WHAT'S WRONG" Zay yelled into the phone
"Someone fucking took Aaliyah, she's fucking gone" I said on the verge of tears
That's my fucking blood. I tried my best to keep her out the way and protected and I failed.
I sat on the floor with my knees to my chest and hands on my face.
"This is all my fucking fault" I said to myself beginning to cry


"Yo I'm on my way right fucking now" I said hanging

Millions of thoughts swarmed my head
"Who took her?" "Is she ok?" "Why didn't you protect her?" "Where is my girl?"

I jumped into my car and quickly turned it on.
"LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN" the radio went
"YO SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yelled turning the radio off
I pulled out of my complex and sped to D house. I made it too his house in half the time I usually do. I parked and ran into the house. I stepped inside and he was right, the house was fucking trashed. Shit was everywhere, the baby pictures of them, dirt, some blood, and the furniture was all out of place.

"D YOU HERE MAN?" I yelled walking through the house

The house was completely silent. I made my way upstairs searching for him and made my way into Aaliyahs room. There he was sitting near her bed with his knees to his face and his arms holding his legs. He wasn't talking just sitting there....thinking. I sat next to him and put my hand in his shoulder.

"We're gonna find her man" I said lowly
"I-I was s-supposed to protect ha man, I was s-supposed to" he said crying in his hands

Ive never seen him cry in the 11 years I've known him.

"You did protect her, it's nothing you-we could've done to stopped this" I said giving him a hug

At that moment he just broke down in my arms, he had a tight grip on me and just cried. Even though his weight was bringing me down, I let him. Liyah is the only blood family he has. After Mama K died, he put his all in protecting Liyah. It hurts me to see my bro there like this, it hurts me that my girl is missing. I'm going to find her.


It's dark and cold.
"Where am I?" I thought to myself
I have the worst headache ever. I'm looking around the area or room I'm in and I can't see anything. I tried standing up but my legs weren't moving. I tired moving my arms but they were handcuffed above me. I started to move side to side for me to realize I'm on a bed. I felt the bare mattress on my skin which could only mean....I'm naked.

"Did someone rape me" I thought
"Oh God please no" I said starting to cry
"HELP, HELP ME PLEASE" I yelled kicking
"YO SHUT THE FUCK UP" someone yelled opening a door letting in some light.
By instinct I tried to cover myself up but my arms stopped only a couple inches off the bed, causing me to yell out in pain. He started coming closer to me.
"GET AWAY FROM ME" I yelled kicking even more
"ADONIS" I yelled hoping he would pop up
"Ya brother not here" he said walking up to me
I looked at his face and he was unfamiliar. He stopped once he could see all of me.
"Yo ass finer in person" he said licking his lips
He started to unbuckle his pants. I already knew what was about to happen.
"Please no" I pleaded while crying
He got on top of me and started kissing on me.
"STOP PLEASE" I yelled crying harder
He just ignored me. He started to feel on me. He started reached down to his pants before he was interrupted.
"AYO TEE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Someone else yelled
"Chill I wasn't even bout to do nothing" he said smirking looking down at me
"YOU SICK FUCK" I yelled spitting on him, that only resulted in him slapping me
"YOU BITCH" he yelled wiping his face
"You supposed to be putting some clothes on her, the fuck you got going on" said the other guy
"I was fin-" he said getting cut off
"Man hell nah, I'll do it" he said sending Tee off
"I'm not gone hurt you, so don't come at me" he said starting to un-cuff me
"Don't try to run because I will shoot yo ass" He said undoing my arms.
He undid my arms and legs. He then threw me the clothes and turned around. I quickly put them on.
"Should I try to run" I thought
I was about to take off but he quickly took out his gun before I could move.
"You stubborn as hell" he said shaking his head turning around
"Act just like yo damn daddy" he said lowly
He put the handcuff back on one of my wrist and cuffed me back on the bed.
He walked away leaving me in the darkness....

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