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The mall life was different. It was strangers so nobody really talked to you or made fun of you, well unless they are whispering. Today was a tragedy. But I'm glad Jay got bodied by my brother. But I need to not let my insecurities get to me if it didn't it probably wouldn't have gotten that far for Jay to actually hit me.
Mall 11:00
But I pulled up to the mall. Before I got out I gave myself a pep talk.
"Ok Aaliyah you need to grow up and stop letting people push you around. Live life and let's stop giving a fuck."
I looked in the mirror one more good time and headed inside. I headed to Footlocker to see what was in there and I saw these cute Air Force 1's they were orange with writing on it say just do it. I grabbed them and I was walking to the closet employee and I bumped into someone. It was Jamie my ex best friend.


We stopped being friends starting 9th grade because she started hanging out with Jay and them

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We stopped being friends starting 9th grade because she started hanging out with Jay and them.

Jamie- "Watch it bitch"
Me-"Jamie leave me alone" I said
Jamie-"I saw what happened at school, Jay really fucked ya face up " she said smirking
Me-"Look I don't feel like talking I'm just trying to pay for my shoes" I said
Jamie-"Oh and stay away from my man" she said
Me-"Who??" I questioned
Jamie-"Nahmir, watch your back bitch" she said bumping into me and leaving

But I don't care, I don't want him any way. I paid for my shoes then I went to the food court cause food is life. I went over to Chipotle cause I'm trying to be healthy, so I got a bowl with chicken,rice,corn,lettuce etc. I don't like eating in the food court because people be watching you eat. So when I was walking away out of the food court I hear someone say
???-"Damnnn she gotta fat ass"
So I turn around to see a group of boys staring dead at me. This is where I get nervous. I hate when people stare. Then one of them started walking towards me rubbing his hands together. Niggas is corny🙄
???-"Aye you cute or whateva you think I can get your number" he said
Me-"Can I get a name" I said furrowing my eyebrows
???-"Zayden" He said smiling
Me-"Well Zayden what school do you go to" I said folding my arms
Zayden-"Nah baby I'm grown" he said
Me-"I can get you put in jail then" I said getting ready to walk away
Zayden-"Who said I wanted to fuck? I wanted to talk" he said smirking
Me-"You just sai- know what yea you can get me number" I said unfolding my arms

I had to remember I just told my self I need to stop thinking of the worst things possible and not let my insecurities get to me. He handed me his phone and I saved my name as Aaliyah🥰 and he saved his as ZaddyZay😏👅💦.
"You know I'm changing this right?" I said
"Whatever girl" he said kicking his lips


He was cute I'm not going to lie

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He was cute I'm not going to lie

Home 1:00 p.m

I got home and I put my stuff down.

Me-"Deeee I'm home" I yelled

I didn't hear any thing so I ate my food and I went to my room and laid down and went sleep.


School 1:30 p.m

School was mad boring today other than what happened this morning when Jay hit Aaliyah. I wanted to rock his shit right then and there because hitting females is ain't it. But all I did was fuss and push him. I have no idea why I'm thinking bout this girl and I got a while girlfriend.

Mrs.Cunningham- "Mr.Saint have you written down these notes." She said snapping me out of my thoughts
Me-"Nah" I said
Mrs.Cunningham-"Well get to it or you will have detention." She said smartly


Home 4:00 p.m

I woke up hearing keys and talking, it must've been D and some of his friends. I had in this

All outfits made by me🙃

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All outfits made by me🙃

I went down stairs to get something to drink and I saw....


Me and D was talking about the next operation we were going to do and I saw that girl ummm Aaliyah from the mall come down the stairs in some small shorts and a tank top. I'm guessing this D girl.

Me-"Yo D who dat" I said referring to Aaliyah
D-"Oh that's my little sister Aaliyah, Liyah come here" he said
Aaliyah-"Yea" she said looking at me
And the bad part of she didn't have in a bra. So a nigga could see everything😏.
D-"Dis my nigga Zay and Zay this my little sister Aaliyah" he said
Me-"He-" I said getting cut off
Aaliyah-"We've met" she said
D-"Oh where" he said looking at me
Me-"The mall" I said
D-"Well ima go get some from upstairs ima he back" he said taking off up stairs


I was surprised to see Zayden down stairs, small world huh. I forgot why I came down stairs when I saw him.
Zay-"So D yo big brother" he said looking at me
Me-"Nah he my dad" I said sarcastically
Zay-"So you got jokes huh" he chuckled
Me-"some like that but when y'all become friends" I asked
Zay-"High school, he was like my nigga back then" he said
Me-"Y'all run the streets together" I said looking dead at him
Zay-"Uhh I guess you can say dat" he said reluctantly
D-"Aight lets go nigga, and Liyah what you making tonight" he said looking at me
Me-"Ummm Chicken Alfredo, it should be done when you get back" I said taking the stuff out


Damn she can cook too. She a keeper.

How did you guys like it I'm posting late because I just care back from Dave and Busters and I had a busy day plz like and comment. Toddles

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