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"Aaliyah, Aaliyahhhhh" Kayla said shaking me
"Hmm" I said looking up
I zoned out think about those memories
"You good, you've been looking at floor for 10 mins" she said sitting back down
"Uhhh yea" I said holding back some tears
"What's wrong, for real" she said turning off the game
"I was ju- I was just thinking about my mom and the last time I saw her" I stammered crying in my hands
"Awweee, Pooh you'll be ok" she said hugging me
"You know my daddy died too" she said in my ear
We were hugging, then we heard our front door slam.
"FUCK" D yelled
"What the hell" Kayla said furrowing her eyebrows
I left the room and went to the railing. He was on his way upstairs.
"Are you ok?" I said concerned
"Mane fuck out my way" he said pushing past me
I scrunched my face up in confusion of why he's acting like this.
"Um excuse the fuck outta me. I SAID WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG ADONIS NATHANIEL CARTER" I yelled
"Mane I got some shit to take care of, go somewhere. I'm not on the mood" he said closing his office door


I get it, I seem like this bitchy as person who fucks with people. But I swear I'm not like that.

"Mama, I'm home" I called walking through the door
A random man came out her room. This is an everyday thing every since Aaliyah's mother died, she fell back into her old ways. Drugs,  specifically heroin and meth.
The man looked at me up and down licking his lips. I scrunched up my face. I ran to her room to check on her. Candace, Aaliyah mom, kept her from doing drugs and she was clean for 16 years.
"Oh hey, baby" she slurred
She was clearly drunk and high.
"Mama you gotta stop this mess. If you continue to use these drugs your going to die.
"I know I'm trying" she said
The only reason why I act the way I do is the keep up my reputation and hide this secret. If it got out that my mama is an addict, my whole high school rep would be demolished. The only person that knows is Aaliyah. I'm surprised she hasn't said anything about this.

I started to run her a bath because she smelt like sex and sweat.
"How is Candance's daughter Aaliyah doing." she asked
"Good" I said wanting to end the conversation
"Are y'all still good" she asked
"Yea" I said
I hated lying to her about me and Aaliyah's friend ship. I really do.
"Ok, mama you can get in now" I said standing up and whipping my hands on my pants

I went to go and check on my little sister, Janine, to make sure she was alright. I hated leaving her here with mama.
"Miiii" she screamed jumping up and down
"Heyy Nini" I said picking her up
"When are we going to do our "secret" she asked
Our secret is I've promised her since she was 2 that we will leave together and live somewhere when I turn 18. I've kept that promise and I've been saving up my down payment and first 2 months rent. I turned 18 a couple days ago. I'm just wait for the right time to leave.
"Soon, I promise" I said putting her down
"Ok" she said walking over to her doll house
"Wanna play dollies" she asked handing me a doll
"Oh, yes" I said

You guys get Jamie's POV finally🤪. I know short chapter 😢. But I'm working on my other books so you guys can read those too. Toodles

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