Peaceful? preening

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some hurt/comfort


Death mention
Suicide Mention

Tommy had been staring at his unkept wings in his bathroom mirror for the past fifteen minutes, He thought he'd never let them get so messy and unkept but ever since exile he's binded them, therefore they are nearly messier than when Techno found him, which was really saying something. He used to plush at his feathers due to the stress and anxiety  Exile brought him, it was a natural thing birds did when they were anxious so it was only expected for him to do it in high stress situations, sadly it became a habit and Phil had to physically stop him from plucking out all of his feathers on multiple occasions. The feathers were mostly back now, whenever they weren't binded he subconsciously picked at the dry skin on his wings and plucked out a few feathers so there were some bald patches but not as bad as it was, thanks to the wings being hidden most of the time.

He missed when he and Wilbur would just chat by a lake running though L'Manburg as Wilbur preened his younger brother's wings. Wilbur was the only one allowed to touch Tommy's wings for a long time, Then Tubbo, Tubbo was always as gentle with the soft feathers as Wilbur was, so they picked up the tradition of hanging out by the lake.

The lake was gone now so was Wilbur, Tommy had felt like he lost Tubbo ever since he got revived. No one has treated him the same, they all treat him like a monster, more than they previously had,,,

His wings desperately needed to be taken care of though so he contacted Tubbo, he hoped he wasn't bothering him.

Tommy: Hey Tubbo can you come over?

Tubbo: yea big man is eevrything okay?

Tommy: yea i just feel like being annoying and pulling you away from your Husband.

Tubbo set down his communicator.

"Is everything okay Tubbo?" Ranboo looked at the shorter with concern in his eyes.

"Yea Tommy just messaged me though he wants me to be over there, Can you take care of Michael?"

"Uh oh, is he okay?"

"I hope so"

Tubbo slid down the ladder and started sprinting his way to his Best friend's home.

When Tubbo got there there was only one light on, he was hoping Tommy was okay,,

Tubbo gently knocked on the door and stepped inside, he saw Tommy step out of his room, his wings were out, which was strange. They has been binded since his exile and Tubbo can only imagine why. 

"Hey big man! what did you need?" Tubbo put on a smile, he had a feeling of what the tall one was going to ask.

"My wings are itching big man do ya mind preening them?"  Tommy asked bashfully, he never liked asking for help in the first place but now, he just wanted someone to comfort him, this is as close as he would get if he was being honest.

"Of course big man! You don't need to be shy I'll always be happy to preen your wings!" Tubbo smiled, he put his hands together, this was a little quirk he did when he was exited. 

Tommy nodded, He's been much more quiet recently and it was now his way of saying small positive things, this time it was a thank you.

Tommy sat down on his bed and offered his long wings to Tubbo, they were very dirty but still a lovely cream color with red tips, the flight feathers were all red and smaller feathers on the joint had red tips, they were no where as shiny as they used to be due to neglect but still so beautiful.

Tubbo's mood dropped when he saw the bald patches on Tommy's wings, he gently brushed his fingers over the feathers surrounding the empty spots where feathers were supposed to be, he knew this was all caused from anxiety and stress due to being raised by Phil for a long time. Seeing Tommy's wings in this state was just depressing, he used to take care of his wings so well you'd never see them slightly unkept, he was so proud of them the moment they sprouted from his back. 

"Remember when we would go and play by the creek and once your wings were all dirty and scuffed i would preen them? You would fall asleep and i would too eventually. Wilbur had to come and get us before it got dark so we wouldn't get killed by some mobs" Tubbo laughed at the memory knowing it was long gone in the sands of time. 

Tommy sighed "Yea i was thinking about it earlier. I miss it, I miss when it was peaceful. When that was the only thing we had to worry about. Zombies coming to kill us"

"I miss it to Tom, I miss when Wilbur was sane, when no one wanted to kill you, when all Dream wanted was George's ass" Tubbo laughed, the two always loved to make fun of the infamous George not found.

Tommy laughed with the older. "Yea, i miss when i didn't flinch at every little thing,  When i wasn't scared to leave my shack, I miss flying" his voice was sad, it was mainly sad or scared now.

"Yea why don't you ave your wings out anymore Toms?"

"I'm scared to"




Tubbo never got to know what happened in exile, he didn't know if he wanted to really because Ranboo eventually told him that the tower, the tower that scared Tubbo so much was really there  for the purpose that Tubbo thought it was for. Tommy intended to take his own life in exile after something Dream did.

Tubbo just hugged his brother, they weren't really related, Tubbo wasn't even legally  adopted into Phil's family he just kinda shoved his way in when Tommy dragged him home and asked if they could keep him.

Tommy jumped at the sudden movement but put his hands on Tubbo's. 

"You didn't deserve that big man, none of us did, we were all just dumb kids trying to survive in a world that hated us" Tubbo started to cry into the Blonde's back.

Tommy cried too, but he was quiet, he had to learn to be quiet incase Dream had found out he was "Overreacting".

"I'm also sorry Tubbo, sorry for everything I've put you through. I'm trying to get better but i don't know if the world will fuckin' let me" Tommy's voice was shaky, he was just a scared kid.

After their small crying session Tubbo finished preening Tommy's wings, Tommy had fallen asleep, a much needed sleep. Tubbo was also very sleepy, he wanted to stay with Tommy but he had to get back home, he just ruffled the Taller's hair and said goodnight, he planned to see the other Tomorrow.

Tubbo: omw bac k

Ranboo: Is Tommy okay? is everything okay?

Tubbo: yes big ban don't u wowyry 

Ranboo: Okay good, Michael refuses to sleep until you are home.

Tubbo: ofc ofc

(yall i have no clue how to end this this was in my draft for a  l o n g time)

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