I miss you already

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sorry lol

ya know i told myself i wasn't going to write any dnf fanfiction but i had a creative writing assignment in class so i did it...

1192 words

No tw's its only a little sad. 

As Clay put the last bag in the car he let out a heavy sigh. The day was going to be rough, they both knew it. George was already in the car buckled in and as Clay got in he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding onto.

"This is tough." Clay just announced the understatement of the century.

"It really is" George paused

"I'm really going to miss you, but I also miss London." George was supposed to stay in Florida for another few weeks or so but his mental health was declining from how much he missed his home.

"I know" Clay started, he sounded like he had something else to say but he decided not to finish that thought as he started up the car and pulled out of his driveway.

George fidgeted with his hoodie drawstrings, he wanted to stay, he wanted to stay with his boyfriend so bad he really did and God knows he did. As much as he wanted to stay his mental health matters more, it started declining after the one month mark, they both knew he was going to head back to the UK eventually but he was supposed to stay for at least a few more weeks. The original plan was for George to move into Clay's house but that has been put on hold.

It had only been five minutes since they left the house and Clay was already carsick, that, or he was so nervous about George leaving, he doesn't feel like nervous is the right emotion to be feeling but it's just the truth.

"Couldn't you stay, just a little longer? We could- We could get refunds on the plane tickets. It's not that big of a deal! .. please?" Clay asked, trying to drive slower without causing a wreck on the highway.

"I really want to Clay. I really wish I could stay. God knows I want to stay, but I also feel like I'm going to die if I don't go back home." George responded, voice cracking as he tried not to sob in the car.

Silence filled the car for a moment, maybe a minute, you could only hear the soft hum of the radio mixed in with the buzz of the tires on the road.

"What if- what if we-"

"Clay please" George interrupted him before he could get his thought out. It was already beyond difficult to leave Clay, to leave Patches, to leave all his friends he just got to meet in person. But he missed his home, he missed his friends back home, he missed his family, he missed the dreary London days, He missed the sidewalk he used to walk on every day, he missed it all. He also knows that When he does get back home he's going to miss his boyfriend.

Silence filled the car once more, only ten minutes before they were at the airport. George knew Clay was going to stay with him for as long as he could and boy did he appreciate that.

"Do you at least know.. When you will- will be able to come back?"

"Soon I hope. Maybe a month or two, but probably longer." George paused for a moment to think.

"I'll tell you when I want to come back, then I will be back for good. I want to move in with you. I want to have a life with you, and you know I do."

"Yeah" Clay was struggling to keep his eyes on the road, he wanted to just gaze at his boyfriend.

"But... I don't know how long it will take me to be truly ready to leave London forever- well not forever, vacations exist but taking a vacation every month and a half would send us straight to poverty." George rambled.

Clay put a hand on George's thigh to calm him down without taking his eyes off the road.

"Hey, babe it's ok I understand. If you haven't decided to come back within let's say- two months I'll visit you in London." Clay smiled.

"You'd do that?" George

"Why wouldn't I?"

"That means a lot to me clay, it- it really does." George looked down and smiled, He knew his boyfriend cared enough to make a compromise that would fit all their needs.

Clay let out a big sigh. He was scared there was going to be a big fight between them but he also knew that was silly, they never really fight.

"We are... We're here." Clay stopped at the drop off part of the airport entrance.

"No, go park somewhere I want you to walk me in, uh- as far as you can"

Clay smiled and nodded, it took a minute but he found a parking spot.

When he stood up he felt like he was going to fall, his knees felt like they were about to give out.

George felt like he was going to vomit, puke all his guts out from how scared he was. He knew he was doing what he needed, they had a compromise now but he still hated leaving, but he hated not being at home.

"I've said this a thousand times before but I'll say it again, I'm going to miss you so much." Clay grabbed George's bigger suitcases.

"I know, I'm going to spend the next week crying because I'll miss your touch." George said as he grabbed his carry-on bag.

Clay carried both suitcases in one hand so George could cling onto his other arm for the last time in a while. Clay was going to miss the way George gripped onto his arm. George was going to miss having something to hold onto, something to ground him when he walked.

George checked into the airport and just stood there for a while, still clinging onto Clay.

"I already miss you." Clay finally gave in, he started crying.

"I feel like I'm already across the ocean away from you." George dropped his bags to hug Clay.

"This is gonna suck, since we've spent the last month and a half together now you're just suddenly gonna be gone" Clay rested his head on George's, tears dropping onto his head.

"Yeah... I don't wanna leave this hug" George sighed, wiping some tears away yet more kept falling.

"But you need to get your luggage through. I'll be in the Uk before you know it, remember? We made that agreement?" Clay pulled back a bit and looked George in the eyes.

"Oh yeah, It feels like it's gonna take forever though" George pouted.

"It may, but you'll be home and you can show me all your favourite places in London." Clay wiped George's remaining tears away with his hoodie.

"I think you will like it there."

"Just don't give me beans on toast" Clay said as he mocked a British accent.

"Oh my god, I'm leaving." George pushes Clay away with a small laugh.

Clay leans down and gives George a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll miss you"

"I already miss you" George said as he walked away towards the baggage area. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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