Getting Ready For Date Night

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"Awe look at them they are so cute."

"Abby shut up you'll ruin their moment."

"Too late." I chimed in

"Dangit. Sorry Charles."

"Abby I am a girl you know."

"I know but you act and dress like a tom boy. I mean like you have NO sense of fashion but you do know how to put on make-up."

I heard Jacob laughing in the background. So I turned to him and playfully slapped him in the arm.

"Hey Abby, Charli I have a great idea."

"What Jess?" I asked.

"Lets all go bowling. Like a giant group date."

"OMG YES! Me and Luke haven't been on a date in a while and you two need a date."

"Hey me and Jacob are doing perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Okay fine! Abby you got me. Lets go on a big date."

"Yay! Okay Jacob you have to leave so we can get ready. Go on now."

Jessica practically pushed him out the door when she was done talking. I am glad to have my best friends all the time.

When he was out the door Jessica quickly shut it and then turned to me. She gave me a mischievous grin. I was getting scared.

"Okay now lets go get you ready Charli." Jessica told me while pushing me up the flight of stairs.

"But what I am wearing is totally fine!" I argues.

"Because I said so and that's final now lets go."

An hour later they were finished with only my outfit. I was wearing a light pink blouse that had a darker pink flower on my shoulder paired with a black and white patterned shorts. They decided I should leave my hair natural. Abby was applying my makeup.

"Charli stop fidgeting already!"

"I'm sorry its easier when I do my makeup. It feels weird when other people do it for me."


I looked into my body mirror. I looked beautiful. I can't believe it.

"Oh my gosh thank you thank you!"

"Careful don't ruin my masterpiece!"

"Well thanks I feel loved. But nope." I said while popping the 'p'.

"You know how much work I put in to that so please." Abby begged me.

"Fine whatever."

Then it took another hour for them to both get ready.

"Guys why did you spend so much time getting me ready?"

"Because we felt like it sheesh." Jessica responded.

"Okay calm down I was just asking."

"Okay now we are all ready. Wow we killed two hours. Well we should call them and tell them that we are all ready."

"Okay. Wait what are we going to do about the rides?" I asked. Then I realized how stupid that question was.

"Well us girls are going to car pool and the guys are going to all carpool." Abby told me as she walked back into the room. I didn't even notice when she left. I guess she called Luke to tell him that we are ready.

"So we are going bowling right?"

"Yup and the guys will be here in about five minutes."


Five minutes later we were waiting outside and there was no sign of the guys. Then my phone went off. I was hoping for it to be Jacob telling me where they were but when I checked my phone I was wrong. It turned out to be the last person I ever wanted to talk to even if we were the last people on the Earth. Yup you guessed it. Its Matt. Doesn't he get the hit I am over him,

Matt: Hey sexy I miss you. You miss me? <3

Me: Matt back off you know I hate you after what you did. Also I thought I told you to delete my number.

Matt: Well I didn't and you know you still love me.

Me: Well news flash. I DON"T!

Matt: Why not baby :'(

Me: A) I have a bf and B) you cheated on me TWICE!

Matt: Yes I know. I regret all of it. Because out of all of it I lost something important to me. I lost you.

Me: Bullshit. If you knew you would lose me then why did you do it. Matt I loved you. But you were the one who made the mistake.

Matt: I'm sorry baby please. It was a mistake.

Me: No you were a mistake.

Matt: Charli please.

Me: No I'm sorry.

That is when I stopped replying to his crap. Why does life have to be so complicated. Lets hope this date goes great because I really need it. I need to tell Jacob about what Matt texted me.


Hey guys. If you know how to make the text bold or italicized please tell me because it gets confusing.

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