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The guys and Breana nodded and waved as they began to walk off down the road. I turned to Alex and looked up at him "I don't want to be a pain Alex you really don't have to walk me home It's okay" I said.

He looked down at me and took his leather jacket off and wrapped it around my shoulders. "Don't be daft I'm not lettin yer walk all the way 'ome on yer own" he said smiling. I hugged his jacket and looped my arms inside. "Thank you for doing that and lending me your jacket" I said grinning at him slightly.

"Yer looked freezing and me mum always told me that, it's a very gentlemen-like thing to do" he said smirking as we begun to slowly walk down the road.

"I had an amazing time tonight you know...your friends are wonderful people and I really enjoyed myself" I said beaming up at him, our shoulders briefly touched when our arms swayed by our sides as we walked along.

"What so you're saying their wonderful and I'm not?" Alex replied in a fake shocked tone with a fake hurt look on his face but his lips were tugging into a smile. I nudged his arm against mine and smiled.

"Nahh I'm only messin' I know I'm the most wonderful out of all of em" he said as he winked at me. Then He wrapped his left arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. My stomach jittered and I instantly felt nervous..

I wrapped my right arm around his waist and we strolled down the path arms round eachother; he kept pointing out how both our feet would step at the same time so we looked like right idiots to anyone who saw us as we both had our heads down laughing at our feet stepping in time.

As we walked back to mine we talked about random things, he talked about the band and touring and all his songs, I told him what my favourites were and he would listen to me so intently I'd go red under his gaze.

I told him all about my brother and Alex listened carefully and laughed when I told him stories about me and my brother when we were little. I briefly mentioned my mum but I didn't go too into depth with it as he noticed I got quite upset and told me that I didn't have to tell him anymore if I didn't want to. I really liked him for saying that as normally, people would pressure me into saying things i don't wanna talk about, whereas Alex was an absolute sweetheart and didn't.

I felt like I'd known him my entire life, I learnt all about his mum and dad, Penny and David, I learnt all about his home, back in Sheffield; he told me about his first gigs and they're first tour. I'd known him for about 4 days and he was becoming my favourite person ever.

" 'n the fucker Nick decided to smack whipped cream right round me jaw when I left the bathroom...baring in mind I'd just woken up too!! The bastard" Alex said as he was telling me a story about their tour. I was in a fit of laughter the whole time and he was beaming down at me as I giggled and gasped for breath.

"Well this is my house" I said as I came to a stop in front of my home. It wasn't mine it was my dads but I practically owned it as he only came here to sleep and eat he'd be at the pub every other time.

"Alreyt love, thanks for sticking with us tonight sorreh if we scare ya abit" he said grimacing a little. I beamed at him and shook my head.
"You guys are my new favourite people and I hope I didn't scare you, I can be really annoying I know" I said looking down at my feet.

"No you weren't you were lovely me mates love ya I know it" Alex said smiling at me.
I smiled back and opened my arms to hug him.
He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around my back and I wrapped mine around his neck and took in his scent.

"Seriously though, I 'ad a smashin time with yer tonight and I'd love for you to come out with us again" Alex said quietly in my ear, again that shiver feeling shot through my body and I felt my cheeks flush at the feeling.

I pulled back from him and smiled, my arms still loosely wrapped around his neck and his loosely around my waist. "I'd love to come again as long as I'm no trouble and intruding though.." I said with a hint of uncertainty in my voice.

"No you weren't love yer apart of our group now we want yer with us" Alex replied smiling down at me.

I pulled away and said bye to him as I made my way to my front door before I swung back around and called out to him. He had his back turned and was getting ready to walk off but turned round at the sound of my voice.

"Can I have your number?" I called out to him.
He walked over to me with a small smile and pulled out his phone and grimaced looking at it. "Of course you can..but..you're gonna have to put it in as I don't have a clue how to do that" Alex said smiling at me.

I took his phone and put my number in and changed the contact name to "Cami :)" and handed back his phone. He smiled and muttered a "cheers". I said bye to him again and then walked backwards.

I turned back on my heel and began to walk back to my front door and looked back at him as I reached it, he was slowly walking down the pathway with his hands shoved in his pockets. I smiled at his figure and then unlocked my front door and stepped inside..as I stepped in, a smell hit my nostrils that I sort of recognised but wasn't my smell. I looked down and noticed I still had Alex's leather jacket around me.

I pulled my phone out and messaged him quickly telling him I had it. My phone buzzed 2 minutes later and I changed the contact name as I knew it was him.

Today at 00:47am
You can Keep it for the moment love,
It suits you more than me :)
we're going out again on Saturday night
and we want you to come with
us if you can?  Wear me jacket
Saturday night to keep yer warm again x

I found myself beaming down at my phone and my cheeks were burning...

What's this guy doing to me..

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝑊𝐴𝐼𝑇𝑅𝐸𝑆𝑆-𝐴𝐿𝐸𝑋 𝑇𝑈𝑅𝑁𝐸𝑅Where stories live. Discover now