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Elise's POV

"And as we close this chapter, we make a new one with college. And if you want my opinion, I can't wait for that chapter to start," I finish off my speech.

I wait for the clapping to go down and go sit down next to all of the teachers on the stage, which the valedictorian has to do.

I don't mind that I can't sit with my friends, I've talked to them and what Luke said was true. Sky likes Demetri.

I talked to her and we worked everything out. And we're in a good place.

I've had time to think, if I really want to go to Columbia, and I've decided that I do. I want to go for fashion. I want to start this new chapter of my life.

I want to be free of the drama of high school, and family, and just this life that I'm living right now.

I've decided that this summer I'm going to go on a trip to Europe, all by myself.

I'm going to experience life individually and make mistakes and try to fix them and I'm going to do good things and feel good about myself. I'm going to be alone, but not lonely.

And then in the fall, I'm going to Columbia. And I'm going to stay in the dorms and boss my roommate around and strive to be the perfectionist that I've been lacking the past year.

I used to always care about me first, then family, and then friends. But this past year, I've been putting myself on the bottom of the list and I'm definitely changing that.

I waited another 45 minutes and then heard my name called.

"Elise Davis."

As I walk up to get my diploma, I heard my family scream and then my friends. I smiled and took my diploma and walked down the stairs to finally sit with my friends.

I sat next to Taylor and smiled and hugged her.

After the principal did another speech, we all stood up and threw our caps off.

I sighed, relieved that high school was really, finally, over.

I was happy that it was summer and that I get to start a whole new, exciting, chapter.

After getting pictures with all of my friends and family, I walked over to Demetri.

He ran up and kissed me, and I kissed him back.

"You did amazing. Your speech brought tears to my mom," he laughed.

"Oh and not to you?" I faked being offended.

He just laughed and kissed me again and hugged me and whispered for me to close my eyes.

I closed them, confused.

"And why am I closing my eyes Mr. Demetrius?" I playfully asked.

"Just because."

I heard people gasp and then opened my eyes, breaking Demetri's wish.

"Elise, will you marry me?"

I looked down at the man who was on one knee and a gorgeous ring with diamonds around the band and one big, beautiful, shining, diamond in the middle of it, in his hands.

I was speechless.

I actually was though. I couldn't find my voice to speak. And I'm not sure if I wanted to. We were around thousands of people. I didn't want to embarrass him. But I also didn't want to ruin my life to save him from embarrassment.

But then I looked in his eyes. And I saw something that I've never seen before in his eyes. Something that made me think even more about my answer.

I love him. I genuinely love him. And he loves me back.

And at that point, I made my decision.

"No! Stop! Don't do this Elise. You can't."

His booming voice caused everyone's eyes to land on him and not on us.

I sighed, frustrated with what was going on right now.

He just had to ruin this perfect moment for me. Like he hasn't caused enough trouble in my life already.

But then he spoke again and what he said would definitely change my decision.

"He's not good enough for you. He blackmailed me. He, you," he choked.

I started breathing heavily. Thousands of eyes were on me, waiting to see what I'll say to Demetri and waiting to see what I have to say to Luke.

I looked at Demtrius and at Luke, and then just ran.

I didn't know where I was running to, but I had to get out of there. I couldn't take all the stares and anticipation.

It felt as if my lungs were caving in and I just couldn't breathe.

I found myself in my car.

Not driving, but not just sitting in my seat too. I was just shaking, sobbing.

Maybe I should just drive myself to the airport right now. Get away and not tell anyone.

I heard a knock on my window and looked up.

My make up was probably all over the place and my hair a mess from my hands pulling at it in frustration.

When I looked up at him, he could easily see that I didn't care to speak.

But he gave me a look saying as if he needs to speak with me.

I step out of my car and once I was out, I sighed.

I didn't want to hear any apologies.

"I'm sorry."

But I still got one.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Elise, there is a real reason why you can't be with him. There really is. It's just that-"

"What! What is it Luke? You've hated me since homecoming and now you stop my engagement! Why?" I ask, infuriated.

"I don't want to tell you. I don't want to make you feel worse than you already are right now. But I do want to tell you something else," he says.

"What Luke?"

"I love you Elise. I have, for a while now. Whenever I see you with him, I just get this feeling. And I spent a while trying to figure out what it was. And I've come to the conclusion that it's jealousy. And when I see you with him, I don't know why, but I have this urge to punch him. And I know that's not allowed with the school code but I just hate him so much when he's with you. My insides hurt. I need you Elise. I love you Elise. More than anything in this world. The love I have for you is uncontrollably, disgustingly, crazily, insane yet beautiful. I love you more than Prince Charming loves Cinderella. I need you more than I need air to breathe. Please Elise, I love you."

It took me a while to take everything he said in.

I believed him. I don't know why, and I had a lot of questions.

Like, why has he been so mean to be lately?

I felt dizzy. Like I was going to collapse.

But I still had a clear enough head to think of how stupid I would be to just accept what he's saying and be with him. I was just about to say yes to marrying my boyfriend, that I've only been with for six months.

And how could I fully trust Luke?

All of this led me to saying the one thing that I'm not sure is truthfully correct, but has to be said.

"I'm not in love with you anymore Luke."

a/n: THE END
I will post an epilogue (idk when I will) to this and after I do that I will post the next story up for the series!!!

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

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