My Ex is My Teacher

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Elise's POV

I opened my eyes to brick walls surrounding me and what felt like a wash cloth on my forehead.

I sit up from the bed I was sleeping on and try and get up but the pain in my head stops me from doing so.

"Oh good, I'm glad you're up. You need to remain laying down. Your mother is trying her best to leave work early. It looks like you got your self a bit of a concussion. I told your mother everything she has to do. But as of right now, you need to lay back down and I'll give you an ice pack," the school nurse said as she got an ice pack from the freezer and walked over to me.

I looked around more, realizing I was in the nurses office.

I laid back down and held the ice pack she gave me to my head.

"What happened?" I asked confused.

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me that. All I know is that you fell in class, woke up, got in the wheel chair I set for you, and then fainted again. We didn't call the ambulance because we needed permission from a parent and your mother said for us to just wait for her to get here. So, when was the last time you ate darling? This morning?"

"Yeah, I had breakfast this morning. I have no idea why I fainted. But my head hurts so can we talk later?"

"Of coarse. You need you're rest anyway," she says, leaving me to lay down.

After a few minutes of watching her type away at her desk, I fell asleep again.

•an hour later•

"Elise," I hear the nurse waking me up.

I open my eyes and see her standing next to the bed I'm in.

"Yes," I say groggily.

"Your teacher wanted to talk to you. See how you're feeling," she says with a smile.

I sit up, confused as to what teacher would spend there time on coming down to see there sick student.

I close my eyes, rubbing my hands over them.

When I open them, I open them to blue eyes looking right at me.

"How are you?" Luke asks while closing the door so we can speak on private.

"What are you doing?"

"I just want to see how you are. You passed out in my class, you know."

"I know I did. But why are you so concerned about me?"

"Why do you think Elise?"

"You have balls talking to me in school."

"Well, all she knows," he points to the nurse who's in her office and can't hear us, "is that I'm just checking up on my student. Because that's all we are Elise. You're just my student now. Nothing else."

"Excuse me, but I know that. Why are you telling me this. If you haven't realized, I have moved on. I have a boyfriend now, who I love very much."

"Look, you love Demetri. That's great. But why did you ask a bunch of questions about us? If you so called "moved on," why in the world were you asking me about why I haven't talked to you in a while and what you did wrong?"

"I asked that?"

"Yeah. You did."

"Well, I don't know why. Sorry if I led you on," I smirked.

"Led me on? I'm over you. You're the one who made yourself pathetic by asking me questions. Asking questions in front of your boyfriend. In front of the whole class. The students told the nurse that you told me something but they couldn't hear. You're lucky you mumbled what you did and that only I heard. I told the nurse that I couldn't understand you though. I had to save both of our asses. You're welcome for saving yours."

I just stare at him and sigh. I have no idea where this side of him is coming from and I've never seen it before.

"Why did you faint anyway? Didn't have anything to eat today? Please tell me you're not anorexic. I thought you were way better than that. I mean what stress would you have? Oh yeah, I guess your best friend problems."

"What do you mean," I get defensive.

"Exactly what I said. You've been having problems with Sky. Haven't you? That's why she's been sitting with Jessica in class, correct?"

"We don't have problems," I defend our friendship, trying not to sound insecure but failing horribly. I don't know what he was getting out of this. Amusement? All I know is that my head hurts and I feel like it's getting harder to breath and talk with him here. With him talking to me, trying to get in my head it seems.

"You're kidding right?"

"I don't have a problem with her at all. I love her. She's one of my best friends."

"You might not have a problem with her, but she sure does. It took even me a while to realize why she wasn't sitting with you. But when o saw her creeping on you and you're boyfriend in the hallway, it became really clear."

"Oh yeah? And why do you think she has a problem with me?"

"Because she likes your boyfriend. And by the way she asks, it looks like you already knew that."

Oh my gosh. He's right.

How could I be so stupid?

What do I do? I love my boyfriend and my best friend. But I can't lose either. And I know that Demetri would never go for her. He's too much in love with me. But I can't stand having my best friend mad at me. Maybe she'll understand how much we love each other. But maybe she won't.

"Whoa, Elise calm down. You're going to pass out again if you keep on breathing that heavily," I hear Luke say and then realize that he's right. I'm breathing really heavily. I feel my lungs collapsing on me.

"Elise," I hear the nurse say.

"Oh my! What happened dear?"

"I was just asking her how she felt and to not stress about school and then she started freaking out," Luke lied.

"Okay, well just calm down honey," she says.

I do as she says and take deep breaths and eventually calm down.

"Ok now sweetie, your mothers here now."

"Elise," I hear my mom come in the room.

Oh no.

"Luke?" My mom asks, looking at him with shock.

I never did tell my parents that my ex is my teacher.

A/N: hope you guys like it!!!!

comment below why you think Luke was being such a dick.

also comment below what you think Elise's mom will do :)

idk when I'm gonna update again but more comments equal faster updates!! always remember that!! :)

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