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"See you around, Alyssa" I smiled.

Alyssa. What a cute ass name. She's cocky, I kinda like her. As I bid the other workers goodbye and got ready to go home, I untied my apron and hung it with the others.

I sighed as I made my way out of the cafeteria and looked at my watch.


I reached into my pocket, grabbed my phone, and opened a text from my brother.


hey, you working late?


no, coming home rn.


ok. my girl's coming over, could you...

Lex💀: which one?

Ant🙄: stfu, I shouldn't have warned you. we'll make noise anyway

Lex💀: you're disgusting Anthony. i'll spend the night at Aliyah's

Ant🙄: see, I knew y'all were fucking.

I rolled my eyes and switched my phone off and proceeded to walk home to get my car, so I could drive to Aliyah's.

Truth is, yes, Aliyah and I were fucking but our relationship was just physical.
We're close friends. Friends with benefits, to say the least.

That shit never works out as one party ends up falling for the other but, Aliyah has a boyfriend, and me, well I'm single.

But I wasn't feeling Liyah romantically.

As I was walking home I spotted Alyssa, the girl I met at the coffee shop. I noticed we were going in the same direction so I trotted to her in hope that I would walk her home.

I was drawing closer to Alyssa as I saw her bump into a girl before falling onto the ground.

"The fuck?"

I rushed over to her and looked at the girl she bumped into.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I-I don't know!"

"Okay okay... Uh, help me out."

The worried girl carried Alyssa by her left arm and I carried Alyssa by her left. We struggled to carry her three blocks but we made it.

I rang the doorbell which was answered by my brother.

"Uh... Lex?"

"Well don't just stand there!"

He promptly came and assisted the girl and me as we placed Alyssa on the couch.

I elevated her legs onto the armrest and took a step back while brushing my hair back.

I looked at the girl. She looked up at me while biting through her nails.

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