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I lifted my wrist while vacating my parent's penthouse apartment to check the time.


As I walked to the cafeteria, I hoped that Alexa passed my message on to Alyssa. I was scared she was gonna freak out again, but I couldn't just leave the situation unattended just like that.


I pulled the cafeteria entrance door and entered, finding the nearest seat to it so I could detect her easily.

That's if she decides to come.

I slowly sat down and tapped my foot nervously while reaching my pocket in search of my phone.

About 20 minutes later, I saw Alyssa nervously entering the café, but she wasn't alone.

She was with the girl that helped me with her last night, Alexa. The girl began scanning her eyes around the cafe and they quickly widened when she caught sight of me.

I waved my hand as if I didn't already know that she realized it was me.

'Hey, Alyssa. Over there' I saw her lip movements as she nudged her companion politely.

Alyssa quickly looked in my direction and the same look from last night came across her face.


She froze and Alexa broke her out of her trance by pulling her and walking towards me. They both sat down across me.

Alyssa's eyes were glued on me the whole time.

I proceeded to speak.

"I don't know how to explain this." I realized coming to the café was a bad suggestion because it was a public area, and the news I was about to disclose we're sensitive. Even for me.

"I- in, first of all, I'm sorry for yesterday, Alyssa" Even though it's not my fault, I felt accountable for her trauma. I looked down while adjusting my position, not knowing how to continue.

"Imani... h-how?"

Her eyes began to water and she squinted her eyes, shaking her head. I figured she and my biological sister were close because she looked hurt af.

She seemed not to know that the person she lost was my twin sister, so I explained that to her. I explained everything. I told her that we were separated at birth and placed into foster care. 

I looked up as I was done explaining to see Alyssa's face showering in tears while she shook her head.

Alexa looked scared.

I also wouldn't know what to do if I was in her shoes. We sat there in silence for about ten minutes before Alyssa stood up and walked towards the door.

Yeah, I shouldn't have chosen a public place.


A few days passed and I hadn't heard from Alexa or Alyssa. 

The ancient philosophers put a lot of emphasis on fate. They were always asking why things happen the way they do, and wondering if the course of our lives is set before we take our first steps. I don't know, but I feel it's about to play a serious role in mine.

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