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"I'll stay in touch," the dark-brown-haired girl, 'Alexa' said before I closed the door.

No! This is some fucked up shit. Imani?

Okay, Iman, we'll figure this out.

These words were replaying in my head as I strolled along the sidewalk. I didn't feel like going home.

What are the odds? That girl might have known my twin sister.

My heart ached as I remembered the night I found out I had a twin sister. The same night, was the night I also found out that she had passed away.


Now imagine that. You're an adopted black child with white foster parents, who has just found out that their twin sister died, the same day you learned that she even existed.

Imagine dealing with all the trauma and stigma that came with that.

I thug it out tho.


I heard the girl's voice once more.

I wanted to see her again, but I wasn't sure what to say to her.



I opened my eyes and quickly squinted when the sunlight struck. I slowly rubbed them as I sat up on my couch looking around.

My heart ached as last night's scenes started playing through my head.

I spotted Alexa, who was fast asleep on my couch. Her phone was in her hand, so I grabbed it and looked around the apartment for mine. When I found it, I went back to Alexa's phone, noticing it needed her fingerprint.

I grimaced and tiptoed to the couch she was sleeping on, gently grabbed her right thumb, and pressed it onto the home button.


I mouthed 'bingo' and saved my number. I then took hers from her phone and saved it into mine.

I didn't want to wake her, so I went to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror.

I cringed as I saw all the mascara from last night's crying. I ran cold water through my face.

It felt refreshing.

I reached into my pocket, grabbed my phone, and looked at the time.


I remembered that Alexa had work today... I think.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and paced over to Sleeping Beauty.


I softly shook her until her eyes shot open.

"Woah chill, it's me." I chuckled and tilted my head.

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