Miranda was exceptionally tired; that was one thing that has not changed.

Some days she felt so sick and other days she just wanted to stay in bed. Ben was very antsy, he was nervous all the time and very protective. A month had already went by and Miranda’s health was declining, every since she found out she had preeclampsia.

“Miranda I think we should have this baby now.” Ben said looking at her as she sat up in the bed.

“Ben four more weeks is not going to kill me.”

“Miranda it dam sure might. You are weak. You’re sick, if you try to go 7 months you are not even strong enough to go through labor and your blood platelets count is low you could bleed out with a cesarean.” Ben countered.

Miranda got up and stepped out of bed as she walked over to the dresser. She felt weak and started falling back.

Ben immediately rushed to catch her. “Your going to the hospital.” Ben said seriously.
Miranda was too tired to argue. She closed her eyes and then spoke softly. “ Can we wait until after the kids leave for school.” Miranda questioned.

“Okay.” Ben said as he just held her.

Ben looked at Miranda as she laid in the hospital bed with her eyes closed. He look at her face and the dark circles under her eyes and the oxygen tube in her nose.

“Hey. I was just coming to do my rounds.” Carina said rolling her machine in .

Miranda opened her eyes and smiled.
“I want to know the sex today. If you want to.” Miranda said looking at Ben smiling.

Ben smiled back at her and nodded his head.

“Okay great. We can take a took. “

Miranda lifted her gown up and Carina put the gel on her stomach before applying the wand.

As she moved her hand around the image of the baby came on to the screen.
“They are literally growing everyday.” Miranda beamed smiling.

“Oh there they are. Congratulations you both are having a girl.”

“Oh it’s a girl.” Miranda smiled looking at the screen. Her emotions were overwhelming her as tears began to pool into her eyes.

“A girl.” She whispered before looking at Ben. Ben was beyond happy. He kissed Miranda on her head before he kissed her lips tenderly.

“Everything looks really good, I’m going to draw to some more blood to check your liver enzymes and print you both a copy of the ultra sound “ Carina said.

“Doctor Bailey your levels are still high but they haven’t moved. So hopefully we can keep this number stable.” Carina said handing them the copy of the ultrasound.

After she left out Miranda looked at the ultrasound before looking over at Ben who was sitting down beside her in the chair looking at his photo.

“Ben I have been thinking.” Miranda said bringing him out of his gaze.
“Yeah what about.” Ben said looking over at her.

“If this gets bad and it comes down between the baby or me, I want you to choose-

“Miranda don’t talk like this”

“Ben I need you to listen. I want you to choose the baby.”

“No.” Ben said seriously and Miranda’s eyes widen.

“This is our child we are talking about.”

“And this is my wife and your life we are talking about. I love you Miranda and I know and want you Miranda. I don’t know that child.” Ben’s voiced standing up.

“Ben I’m serious about this. If it looks like it’s a choice between me and my baby choose her. “ Miranda said tears falling, which caused Ben’s to fall.

“I am not doing that and I won’t ever, you don’t need to ask me that because it’s no point. I don’t want a baby if you are not with me.”


“Miranda… Don’t put me in this position to be resentful towards our child. I love you and I want you.” Ben said wiping his eyes.

“What about the kids that we do have, They need you. What does it look like coming home with a baby and not you.”


“I don’t want to hear it Miranda, enough.” Ben yelled and then he got up to leave the room slamming the door.

Miranda looked at the door and she wiped her eyes. She looked down at her stomach “your father does not mean that.” Miranda whispered. She knew that if their daughter made it and she didn’t that he would cherish and care for their baby because it was a piece of her.

She knew that what she was asking for was hard because if she was in his shoes she wouldn’t want to do that either. She loved Ben more than anything and if he was to be gone from this earth she would want to be gone at the same exact time so they didn’t have to be apart from each other for even a second.
After Ben took a long walk he came back into the room and sat in the chair.  He sat their while she slept until he looked at his watch.

“I ’ma go home to make sure the kids did their work and make dinner. Then I’ll be back.” Ben said kissing her on her head.

“You can stay home with them. That way they won’t be worried about me and come back in the morning. Plus you need to get good rest.” Miranda said opening her eyes stretching.

“I won’t sleep good with out you, you know that” Ben replied chuckling.
“Me either. I love you Ben. Kiss the kids for me.”

Ben kissed Miranda deeply holding her chin.

Ben got home and made barbecue chicken, yellow rice and string beans.

“Hey, kids dinner is ready.” Ben yelled from the stairs.

Ben washed his hands as he made his plate.

“Hey daddy.” Nicole said making her plate as well.
“Hey nicnac.” Ben said smiling.

“Where did you get that nickname from.” Nicole said laughing.

“I just thought of it. I like it.” Ben said shrugging his shoulders.

“Hey dad.” Both boys said walking into the kitchen.


“Where is ma?” Tuck asked making his plate.

When everyone sat down Ben spoke. “Your mom is at the hospital.”

“Oh she had to w-“ Nicole started.

“No not work, she will be on bed rest at the hospital until the baby comes.” Ben said starring at them.

“Because your mother is older. This pregnancy is high risk, so she started feeling sick this month and we thought it was best to monitor her health at the hospital. She is okay, just sleepy a lot. “ Ben said seriously.

“I don’t want you all to worry. She is a strong woman and tomorrow when you get out of school we will go visit her. We didn’t say anything because we didn’t want to all to worry.”

They all nodded their heads, he knew they were taking the information in.

“Oh and today we found that you all will be having a sister.” Ben smiled excitedly.

“Aww it’s a girl. This is so exciting. That’s what we all were hoping for.” Nicole said smiling clapping her hands.

The boys smiled and then Ben began to ask them about their day and all the upcoming activities they had. He loved listening to each one of them talk. They had so many different personalities and he loved their out look and take on the world.

“So I was thinking since mom can’t come home and have a traditional baby shower. We should have a small one at the hospital and just have people stop by and bring gifts.” Nicole said smiling.

“Oh I would really like that. That’s a good idea.” Ben smiled.

Nicole and Ben planned Miranda’s baby shower all week.  Today was a teacher work day so she went to the hospital and sat with Miranda all day.

“Ma what is it that you all are not telling us. I know there is more to you just having a high risk pregnancy and being sleepy. Dad is worried out of his mind. He sits on you all’s bed deep in thought and zoned out.” Nicole asked looking into Miranda’s eyes deeper waiting the truth.

Miranda closed her eyes and then opened them blowing out a breath.
“I have preeclampsia.”
“Yeah that’s normal for pregnancy.” Nicole said.

“Mine is extreme and because of that my liver is being damaged.”

Nicole eyes widen and reached for Miranda’s hand. “so what did they say you could do.”

“If I take the baby out. It should solve my problems. “

“And the problem is you don’t want to do that.” Nicole said and Miranda nodded her head.

“Ma I think the baby is strong enough to survive if taken out. This is the best hospital ever. Your baby will live.” Nicole said seriously.

“I just want to wait a couple of more weeks.” Miranda told her honestly.

“ Hey my ladies.” Ben said coming into the room.

“Hey daddy.”

“Hey baby.” Miranda smiled as he kissed Nicole on the head then her on the lips.

“So we have something planned for you tomorrow.” Ben said smiling.
“What is it?” Miranda asked cheesing.

“We are throwing you a baby shower.” Ben said and Nicole nodded her head.

“Aww I’m excited. I never even thought of having one this time.” Miranda beamed.

The next day came and Ben moved chairs and tables around in the dinning hall. This is where they have every resident mixture. Ben helped Nicole put pink, green, and purple table cloths on the tables.

They hung streamers and different types of greenery and flowers. There were fairies every where and little twinkle lights.

Ben loved this idea of a tinker bell themed. It was really beautiful and the room came together perfectly.

Miranda had on a pink maxi dress and she brushed her hair into a pony tail leaving two pieces out in the front. She did her makeup and tried to look presentable the best she could.

She marveled at the decorations and centerpieces that were strategically placed as Ben brought her into the room

“This is beautiful I love it.” Miranda cheesed.

“Aww hey.” Miranda said as each one of her kids hugged her pulling her into a group hug.

“I love you all so much.” Miranda said wrapping her arms around as much of them as she could.

Miranda smiled as she opened gifts after gifts. She enjoyed talking to everyone.

“My Bailey is having another Baby.” Richard said touching Miranda’s belly.

“Yeah.” Miranda chimed.

After the baby shower was over Ben carried all the gifts to the car and him and the kids cleaned up.

Ben took the kids home and unloaded the car.

After they were all situated he went back to the hospital.

Miranda was in bed turned on her side and Ben blew out a breath. He was content when ever he was around her. Kicking of his shoes he climbed into the bed with her.

Wrapping his arm around her waist and putting his face into her neck.

“I enjoyed today, thank you for that.” Miranda told him earnestly.

“Anything to put a smile on your face.”

“I love the way you love me and the love you have for me. You are my knight and shinning armor.” Miranda mused.

“And that will never change. I love you.”

“I love you too so much.” Miranda declared.

A couple of days passed and Miranda was sitting up in the bed reading through paper work. She tried not to but she doubled checked behind Alex when she got bored.

“Hey Miranda.” Ben said walking into the room.

“Hey baby.” Miranda said looking up at him from her paper work. She looked him up and down, noticing his work uniform.

“You had to drop off a patient.” She asked looking at her paper work.

“Yeah.” Ben said.

Ben looked at Miranda real good.
“Miranda look at me.” Ben stated and she did as told.

“Your eyes are getting that yellowish tint. Miranda your liver is damaging more, Its time to deliver this baby. Your liver is failing.” Ben said loudly.

“ Ben I am not
“Miranda I’m not asking you, I’m telling you.” Ben yelled.

“Let me go get Carina.” Ben said walking out of the door.

“Hey Warren.” Richard called.

“Dr. Webber.” Ben replied with a slight smile.

“What’s the matter.” Richard asked noticing Ben’s face.

“Miranda’s eyes are yellow and we all know what that means but she won’t deliver this baby.” Ben groaned upset.

Richard’s faced balled up. “Call Robins to get on a plane to come and do the surgery. She would feel more comfortable for her to do the surgery.”

“You know who else’s need to come and can talk her into it.” Richard stated thinking.

“Who.” Ben wondered.

“Callie Torres. She got into a car accident and she had a cesarean with a premature baby girl Sofia. She almost and died and her child but they both pulled through.” Richard said and Ben nodded his head.

Ben strolled through his contacts until her saw Torres. He hit dial and waited.

“Ben?” Callie questioned.

“Hey Callie, I need you and Arizona’s help.” Ben confided.

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