Chapter 1

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This story started in a village called Konoha, within this village there was a clan called the Uchiha clan as it was a happy night for one family in the clan as the wife of the family had given birth to a baby boy Called Naruto Uchiha. They were happy as can be to have their first child in their family. The father was called Gaku Uchiha and the mother was called akari Uchiha, who were sat there embracing their new-born child.

Naruto had blue eyes with black hair.

Naruto opened his eyes for the first time and looked at his parents and as soon as they looked into his eyes, they knew he would grow up to be someone special, but they didn't know just how right they were.

~~~~~~~4 years later ~~~~~~~~

Naruto was now 4 years old as it was his birthday and he was excited as his father had a surprise for him this year and he was dying to know what it was. Naruto was currently sat in his room playing with is wooden kunai as he had taken an interest in the life of a ninja and wanted to be one when he grow up. Naruto heard the front door shut and he knew that it meant his dad was home, he got up and ran down straits to greet his father as he shouted.

"dad, your home"!!!!

Gaku turned around to see his son running towards him as he pick him up and said.

"I bet someone is happy about today, mmm"

"me, me, me, I am."

"well you are about to get even more excited as you remember I said I would get you a present for your birthday?"

"yes of course I remember"

"well I think it's time to tell you what it is".

"well dad what is it" he said gleaming with excitement.

"my present to you is that I am going to train you to become a ninja like you wanted to starting from today, after breakfast".

"ohhh really, thank you dad I couldn't be happier at the present" Naruto was so happy he hugged his father tight and he jumped out of his arms and ran to his room happy and smiling.

Later that day Naruto and his father were stood in the Uchiha training ground wearing their normal Uchiha gear, Naruto stood there awaiting his father's instructions on what to do.

"Right Naruto today as promised I am going to train you to become a ninja, it will not be easy as an Uchiha I expect greatness from you as you must remember that we, the Uchiha are the greatest and most powerful clan in Konoha".

"yes, father I understand"

"Good, now let's begin with the basics of taijutsu ok"

"ok father"

And so, Naruto began his grewsome training to become a ninja of the Mighty Uchiha clan.

After 2 years, Naruto has come along way with his training in taijutsu, ninjutsu, and his father even has started to train him in kenjutsu. His father, once he felt that his sons ninjutsu and chakra control was good enough, he decided to show him the Fire style: Fire ball jutsu.

It was morning as they have just come out after breakfast to one of the Uchiha's training grounds.

"right Naruto, today I have a new jutsu to show you today and not just any jutsu but a jutsu that is a special jutsu to the Uchiha" Gaku said with a bit of pride.

"oh, really oh boy a new jutsu, what jutsu is it dad?"

"it's called the Fire style: Fire ball jutsu"

"oh really, I've heard about that jutsu from other Uchiha talking about the streets"

"well then let me show you how its preformed"

Gaku took a deep breath and did the hand signs and shouted, "Fire style: Fire ball jutsu!" and a big ball of fire appeared and shot out of Gaku's mouth and destroyed a tree.

"Oh, wow that's amazing dad, let me try"

Gaku looked at his son wondering if his son could possible do it on his first go.

Naruto stood there and thought about what his father just did and then stood righty and like his father just did he took a deep breath and weaved the hand signs and shouted, "Fire style: Fire ball jutsu!" and a fire ball emerged in front of Naruto and he shot it towards a tree and it also to destroyed the tree. Naruto was happy that he did it on his first try and look to his father to see his reaction.

Gaku was somewhat shocked to see his son do it in his first try but was also proud of his son because not many Uchiha can preform that jutsu on their first try especially at the age of 6 years old.

Gaku turned to Naruto "that's my boy, always making me proud".

Naruto was happy that he has made his father proud once again.

It was getting dark, so they decided to go home. The following morning Naruto wake up, he tried to open his eyes but couldn't for the sun was blinding him through his window. He slowly got up out of bed and went over to the bathroom and had a shower and came back to his room and proceeded to get dressed. He went down stirs to see his mother in the kitchen "hey mom, where's dad"?

Akari turned around to answer her son's question "your father is at work, Fugaku called him saying he needed him" oh ok, I was just wondering where he was. Do you think he will mind if I go and visit him?"

She thought about it for a second "no, I don't thinkhe will mind" and at that Naruto nodded at his mother and left.


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