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p.s I forgot to mention what Naruto's affinities are so here they are: fire, water, lightning and earth.

also the jinchuriki of Konoha will obviously not be Naruto so instead I will name him Menma and he will still be the child of Mineto and Kushina.   

Naruto left his house and started to walk down the street, he received waves and hello from the other Uchiha's as he waved back with a smile. He saw women going shopping and men going about their ninja business as the other kids went about playing with their friends pretending to play ninja.

After a small walk, Naruto came across a big building with the Uchiha crest on the front of the building. Naruto approached the building as one guard stepped forwards and said, "hey this is not place for a kid what are you doing here?" Naruto just looked at the man and replied, "I'm here to see my dad, is he here?" "erm, what's his name? "My father's name is Gaku" the guard was surprised "so your Gaku's son then, I've heard him talk about you to Fugaku in the meeting room before, its nice finally meeting you" the other guard greeted Naruto as well.

"your father is in the meeting room with Fugaku right now, come with me and I'll go and get him for you", so Naruto followed the guard into the building "sit down just over the and I'll go and get your father ok" "ok" Naruto sat down as instructed.

The guard went into the other room and knocked on the door only to hear a "come in" coming from the other side of the door.

"what is It" Fugaku said slightly annoyed that the guard has disturbed the meeting.

"Gaku sir, your son is waiting outside of this room, he said he came to visit you at work" Gaku hearing his sons name was happy to hear that he has come to see him, it will help him relax a little from this meeting he is having.

"ok tell him once this meeting is finished, I will come out to see him" "ok sir" and with that the guard left the meeting room.

Naruto was sat there wondering on what his father could be doing in there as his thought was interrupted as he saw the guard coming back from the room of his father. "so, can I go and see him"?

"No, your father said once his meeting is finished, he will come out and see you", a little saddened but understood "ok I will wait for him here" "ok Kid, I will be going back outside now see you later" "ok bye" and with that the guard left.

10 minutes had past and his dad had still not come out yet but then he heard the door that he used to come in open only to see a kid same age as him, they both saw each other locking eyes for a second and then looking away.

"hello, who are you" the new boy asked Naruto "I'm Naruto", the new boy looked at Naruto seeing the Uchiha crest on the back of his long sleeved t-shirt, seeing he was an Uchiha decided to answer Naruto's question "I'm Itachi" "oh so you are Fugaku's son then" "yes I am" "oh ok well its nice to meet you" "likewise" Itachi went over to Naruto and sat down.

20 minutes later Fugaku and Gaku have finished their meeting and began walking to the exit when they could hear two people talking that sounded quiet young "it sounds like them two have finally met" "it seems so. Naruto and Itachi were talking when the door opened and Fugaku and Gaku walked out, the two boys stood up to greet their fathers.

"it seems you two have met already?" Fugaku said to the boys "yeah, me and Itachi have been talking while we waited for you two and based on how the conversion went I think we will be great friends" "yeah I agree with Naruto" "well that's great boys" "me and Gaku here have been talking and we think it would be a good idea that you two should start training together, what do you boys think?" the two boys look at each other and give an agreeing node to each other "yes we think it would be a good idea too" "fantastic, starting from tomorrow the two of you will be training under me the clan leader ok" "yes we understand" both boys shouted simultaneously.

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