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Naruto sat there watching the enemies sit and drinking themselves silly not knowing what's in store for them, Naruto watched as the ninja's patrolled the perimeter of the bandit camp. The was crouched on the edge of a cliff looking down, he wasn't worried about getting caught as it was night and the darkness will hide him, Naruto was watching the enemy ninja's when he heard rustling coming from the leaves behind him, he slowly reached for his pouch getting ready for action when he stopped and pushed out his senses and could feel Kakashi's and itachi's chakra, since he knew now that it was them approaching he sheathed his Kunai and went back to watching the enemy shinobi.

Kakashi and the other Anbu members finally arrived and landed next to Naruto

"Ahh so you've finally arrived" Naruto whispered to his Anbu members

"Yes, we got here as fast as we could when we got your letter" Kakashi whispered back

Naruto nodded in understanding

"So besides what you said in the letter, what we are looking at here?" Kakashi asked Naruto

"Well, they haven't got that many guards on patrol and a good amount of them are asleep from drinking and partying the night away" Naruto answer Kakashi's question

"Good, that will give us a better chance at killing them all as most of them will be intoxicated and their reaction speed will be slower but be on guard as I doubt the leader or his two lieutenants will let themselves be put in the same predicament, we must tread carefully as to not raise the alarm and let our position and element of surprise be wasted"

All Anbu members nodded in agreement.

"Captain, I have a suggestion on how to use this element of surprise to our advantage and attack the enemy camp which will result in heavy losses for them with just the first attack"

"Ok Raven, what do you suggest?"

"well, me and Crow stay here and attack them with a fire style attack and any other Anbu members that can use fire style attacks should try and sneak around the other side of the camp and fire, fire style attacks from that side then the remining Anbu's that are not attacking with me and crow should charge in and finish of the remining bandits which in turn should lour out the enemy leader and with most if not all his ninjas dead it will be easier to kill him and is lieutenants" Naruto finished explaining

"It sounds like a solid plain to me" Naruto said

"I agree" Itachi said in a thinking pose

"Mmm, do you guys think it's a good idea?"

"Yes captain, Ravens plan sound solid"

"Ok then we'll go with your plan"

Naruto nodded

And with that Kakashi ordered any Anbu member that can do any long-ranged fire style jutsu attacks to sneak round the other side of the camp and await orders to initiate the attack, he also left a yamanaka behind so they could communicate between each other.

"Are they in position?" Naruto asked the yamanaka Anbu member

"Yes, they are"

"Ok give out the orders to attack on my and Crow's (Itachi) signal" Naruto said to the yamanaka

"Ok guys begin your attack on Ravens signal"

"Right are you ready Crow?"

"Yes Raven"

And with that Naruto got into position, ready to launch his attack

"right here we go" Naruto stood there and clapped his hands together while building his charka, then he shouted "Fire Style: Dragon Flame Caterwaul" as he released multiple fire balls but they were in the shape of dragon heads, meanwhile Naruto was performing his jutsu Itachi performed his own jutsu "Fire Style: Great Dragon Fire", both Uchiha's fired off there jutsu's raining fire upon the bandit camp, after seeing Naruto and Itachi beginning their attack the other Anbu members fire off there jutsu's, Naruto heard his team members shout "Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu" as from both side of the camp fire attacks rained down and attacked the bandits sending them into a blind panic, Naruto could see some waking up and running out of their camps on fire, others were trying to put out the fires but to no avail as the fires were to strong and too intense as the fire was so hot it began giving some of the bandits that were too close to the fire 2nd and 3rd degree burns. As the bandits were running around screaming in a blind panic Naruto stood there taking in the scene, he was loving it, watching his enemy's burning and in pain, dying a slow and painful death. Naruto couldn't help himself any longer, he began to giggle, chuckle then full-blown laughter, he was loving it stuff like this made him feel alive. Itachi was watching the bandits all burning and dying below, Itachi was not like Naruto in which he did not like fighting but still did it as he know this is the way of the world, as a ninja. Itachi looked at Naruto laughing at the misery and misfortunes of the enemy ninja's, he did not like it but did not say anything, he looked next to him to see a shocked and worried yamanaka looking at Naruto, even though the yamanaka had a mask on he could tell he was shocked.

Naruto was still enjoying the view as this was the breaking point "that's it I can't take it anymore, I don't know about you two, but I am going to enjoy myself" "no you can't, we have to wait for the captain's orders" the yamanaka said to the impatient Uchiha in front of him. "screw the captain I'm going to enjoy myself" and with that Naruto with a big smirk unsheathed his sword and activated his Sharingan and jumped off the edge of the cliff, Itachi sighed "Crow what should we do, we were supposed to wait for the captain's orders" "he's always like this in the mist of battle, we'll just have to go after him to make sure he doesn't get himself killed" and with that both Anbu followed after Naruto.

Kakashi was crouched behind a bush watching the fire style attacks hit the base and all hell broke loose in the camp, "alright men it looks like Crow and Raven's attack plan worked, oh and it looks like they managed to lure out there leader as well" "hey captain look it's Raven what's he doing!?" Kakashi's head snapped around to see what the Anbu member was on about only to see Naruto jumping out of his hiding spot and down to the enemy camp and begin to attack the enemy shinobi "ugh, what is he doing I told him to stay there and wait for orders, I knew he was going to be trouble, it looks like Crow and snake are following him, I hope they can give him enough back up in till we can arrive to help".

"Ok, Owl go over to the other Anbu members waiting over there in the bushes and tell them to begin their assault" Owl nodded his head and went off.

"Ok, let's go and begin our assault and help Raven and Crow" Kakashi said to the Anbu's "yes sir!"

After jumping down Naruto landed at the gate and a guard spotted him "hey who are you!?" the guard shouted to Naruto, the other guard chimes in "hey it's just a kid, so calm down" the other guard went to lower his guard when he saw the kid have a weapon in his hand and Anbu gear on, he raise his weapon to which confused the other guard "hey why are you raising your weapon to a child?" "you idiot, have you not scene what he has in his hand and what he is wearing!?" the first guard shouted to the other guard. While the two guard were shouting back and forth to each other, this amused Naruto as a grin dawned his face as his red Sharingan began to spin in excitement at the antics of his pray, he heard someone approach from behind "so I see you decided to join me?" "Well, someone's got to watch your sorry ass", Naruto chuckled at Itachi's comment "well I think it's time to begin this slaughter don't you?" he says this as he gets in to a fighting stance to which the guards notice and stop talking and stand on guard. Naruto launches at the guards with jonin speed and slices off one of the guards head, the other guard stands there in horror as his friends lifeless corpse drops to the ground with a thud, the guard now angry at the death of his friend tries to slash at Naruto but is to slow and Naruto jumps up and kicks the man in the chest which send him flying into the camp and into a tent to which catches the attention of some of the shinobi in the area that are trying to put out the fires and get some of the injured to first aid, they turn to see one of the guards standing up from the rubble and before anyone could say anything the guard shouts "water style: water dragon" and a dragon made of water appeared out of thin air and fired in the direction he had come from, the other shinobi were all confused to why the guard was crawling out of a pile of rubble and then fire of a water style jutsu at nothing, then they all head "fire style: fire ball jutsu" and a fire ball came from the direction that the guard was shooting his jutsu then both jutsu's collided and it created a cloud of steam, after both attacks collided all the shinobi's in the area unsheathed their weapons and stood ready for the threat that is attacking them.

Sorry for the long wait, I kind of lost motivation to continue this story but now I have it to continue the story.

I will have the next part out soon. 😊      

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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