25. Sharing is Caring [M]

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Sorry for the delay, I'm back at university in person (uh, kind of) so updates will be slower. Had to change around the timeline very slightly, but it won't affect the plot too much. If at all. If you recall the winter training where Ymir and Christa/Historia spoke about living for herself, that just takes place now.

Warning: this chapter does contain smut. Minors dni, as this will contain adult content. This is your warning.

As much as I wanted this to be a plot-driven chapter like the rest of my chapters thus far, this is almost self-indulgent and focusing solely on Bláithín and Levi's relationship. I do think sex can highlight how a couple interacts and it's great at showing the two parties getting used to each other. I won't include many more smut chapters after this, probably just one more (two at a push.) Hope these kinds of chapters are ok - if not, the regular, overly dramatic chapters make a comeback in chapter 26!


Bláithín didn't need to sleep on that decision at all. She knew exactly what she wanted.

The week waiting up to the departure to the Cadet Corps passed by as normal as ever, although now, Bláithín and Levi spent a bit more time together. Not in either person's rooms, but they both found themselves waking up earlier than normal to have extra time together.

And beyond that, nothing much changed between. Realistically speaking, what would change? They were already so close, but now Bláithín could get away with annoying him a little bit more and Levi had to watch his tongue.

Levi was, quite noticeably, on the fence about this relationship. He wasn't going to distance himself like before but Bláithín noticed if she ever leaned closer to him, he'd stiffen and look way out of his depth. He tried to hide it but nothing could go unnoticed by the blonde anymore. Bláithín chalked it down to him not being overly experienced or used to someone reaching for his hand or being physical in a way that wasn't throwing a punch. Bláithín wasn't either, she was going purely on instinct so she did understand how he felt.

It wasn't just that, though.

Should he, Humanity's Strongest, have allowed himself to fall for her? What would he do if she passed away, or vice versa? How would either of them cope? Better yet, would they even cope?

Truth be told, Levi didn't want to know that answer. In fact, it was one of the few things he was scared to know the answer to. Levi wouldn't admit that, though.

Was he wrong to fall from his pedestal and become more devoted and enamoured with his second-in-command, or was it okay for him to indulge - to let go and accept - what life could offer? He had suffered enough in life already, was he allowed to have one good thing go right, or was this going to curse him in the long run?

Was there anything wrong in being a bit more human and wanting to be with her, or would this jinx him later?

He didn't want to know and these thoughts kept him awake at night on top of everything else. And so, last week after Bláithín had confirmed she'd like to be his partner, he went straight to Erwin, hoping the blond commander would set him straight. Plus, it was probably the responsible thing to do to let him know he was now on romantic terms with Bláithín.

Much to his surprise, Erwin only responded with an "about time" and Levi could only groan. So perhaps, it was inevitable they'd find their way to each other? Levi didn't say much more about this, but Erwin, Levi and Bláithín did agree on one thing: this relationship would still remain professional when in the presence of other people and that in private, they were free to do what they liked.

Expedition of a Lifetime [Levi x OC] [Heavily, Slowly Editing]Where stories live. Discover now