1. The Letter

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Revamped: 17/03/2023

Hiya! Initial chapters are short to set the scene. They get longer as the plot thickens!




Me? Strong? No... hardly... I'm only a weak, feeble little girl who has had everything suddenly robbed.

I am a victim of circumstance and I feel like this has ruined me...

However, deep within me, there is always a strong, innate desire to live. Whether that is inner strength, or human nature, I don't know.





Bláithín Hahn sat alone in the sitting room, doing homework. She had returned from school not too long ago and was always quick to get her work done. Scribbling away at her book of poetry, she was too engrossed to notice the chortle came into hearing range and the blonde snapped her head around to look at her sister skipping into the room.

"What are you so chipper about, Elise?" she asked. Elise jumped on top of the plush sofa, knocking over the inkwell and it spilled all over her sister's book and sheets. "Watch it, will you?! Ugh, I'll be killed for this in school tomorrow..."

Living in Sine, she was privileged enough to go to school. Though, with the Titans still haunting their way of life, there was a limit on what they could learn. Plus, being a girl meant she was limited to certain subjects too. Girls studied arts and poetry and languages, the boys studied sciences. Though, that never stopped the encouragement of learning in the Hahn household.

"Can you play with me now? I couldn't play undercover agents without you..." her sister moped. Bláithín dabbed at her sun dress with her handkerchief and looked at the brunette with a disapproving look. "Whaddya reading there anyway?"

"'Undercover agents'? Can't say I'm totally interested in playing that," the blonde said, though her lips were twitching upwards in an affectionate smile. She ruffled her hair affectionately as she remembered. "I don't think I've played that with you since I was like ten," she murmured.

"Ah, whatever... Why are you reading anyway? You sounded all high and mighty recently when you said you wanted to join the Survey Corps. Shouldn't someone who so badly wants to be a soldier be training rather than reading?" Her sister pointed out.

Bláithín pursed her lips into a tight line, blue eyes ablaze and glimmering at the mention of the scouts. True, if one wanted to join the Survey Corps, they'd want to be somewhat built, or at least fit. Bláithín was more of the studious side, at the moment. Her parents, both leading soldiers in the Scout Regiment, taught her the very basics of self-defence in case of any emergencies, but she was completely inexperienced with the gears and whatnot.

"Maybe I'm a 'late bloomer' or something," she chimed. "I'm in no rush to join it. I'll join to honour them or whatever. Shit, didn't mean to do that," she mumbled, glancing at the spelling error in her answer sheet. And of course, saying the word 'shit' caused her sister to erupt in a fit of giggles. Elise attempted to stifle any and all laughter by clamping her hand over her mouth. "Hey, don't tell mom and dad!" Bláithín cried.

"You stop being so grown up, it's annoying!"

Bláithín continued to scribble away at some things in her soiled notebook, mentally noting to ask for a new one, while Elise ambled up the stairs, dangerously hanging and sliding up and down the bannister. It creaked loudly, loud enough for Bláithín to hear it and bitterly chastise her for it.

Expedition of a Lifetime [Levi x OC] [Heavily, Slowly Editing]Where stories live. Discover now