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No one's P.O.V.

Kirai knew that nobody was focusing because of the recent incident with Leiko. So, she gave everyone a few days off. In these few days, (Y/N) managed to regain her confidence and composure. When everyone was back at school and (Y/N) had a bored expression on her face like most people except it was for a different reason. Most people didn't want to return but (Y/N) was just bored because she hadn't gambled against anyone for over a week. Everyone entered their classrooms and were told that today was just for gambling. (Y/N) was over the moon at this information and ran out the door. She ran into a random gambling room and slammed her hands down on a table. "Who wants to verse me in Black Jack? The winner gets ¥1,000,000!" She asked with a teasing grin, she had been low on funds lately since she had been giving a lot of money to house pets. A random boy smirked. "My only condition is that if you lose, you have to kiss me." He told her as a heavy blush settled onto his cheeks. (Y/N) cringed but nodded anyways.

Time skip

(Y/N) ended up winning and the boy was shocked. He payed the ¥1,000,000 to (Y/N) before she happily skipped out of the room to find another gambling partner. Suddenly, she felt a hand clamp down on her shoulder. (Y/N) turned around and saw Kageyama. She tried her best to act normally, as if she never saw if bash Leiko's head. "Hey Tobi-chan-n! How are you?" She asked with a slight waver in her voice. Kageyama seemed to notice the stutter in her sentence. "Is something wrong (Y/N)-san? You seem nervous?" He asked with some compassion. (Y/N) couldn't seem to answer but didn't need to when she saw Bokuto coming her way. "Hey hey hey! (L/N)-san! Kageyama-san!" Bokuto greeted the two underclassmen of his. Kageyama let go of (Y/N)'s shoulder and turned to Bokuto. "Hello Bokuto-senpai." Kageyama said with almost no emotion. While Kageyama was distracted, (Y/N) took this chance to slip away from him as Bokuto had a one-sided conversation with Kageyama. By the time Kageyama realized (Y/N) was gone, she was already in another gambling room. (Y/N) let out a breath of relief that Bokuto had been around, she wasn't ready to tell him what she saw, not yet. She watched the current gambling match which was between Yumeko and someone else. She watched them play 'Double Memory', in which Yumeko ended up losing. "Sumeragi-san! I can't pay ¥20,000,000!" Yumeko told her. Sumeragi bargained with Yumeko that if Yumeko won she would be debt free but would have to give Sumeragi her nails. Yumeko and Sumeragi played again but this time Yumeko won in one turn. She began rambling about both girls bargaining their finger and toe nails for the next match but Sumeragi ended up sobbing instead. (Y/N) walked over to Sumeragi and began rubbing circles on her back to calm her down. "It's alright Sumeragi-san, take a deep breath and let it out." (Y/N) instructed the crying girl. Eventually, Sumeragi calmed down and (Y/N) left the classroom to go hang out with someone instead of gambling since she already got a pretty big amount of money. She saw Hinata, the first person she freed from being a house pet. "Hey Hinata-san!" She called out to him. He turned around with his normal sunshine smile on his face. Hinata jumped up and hugged her tightly, with his face landing on her chest. A scarlet blush coated (Y/N)'s cheeks as she peeled him off of her. "Don't do that again! Got it, you idiot?" She told him mumbling the last part. "Okay Kojika-san! Let's go watch someone gamble!" He cheered before beginning to drag her to another room. (Y/N) eyes widened significantly once she saw who was gambling. The boy turned his head to look at who was in the doorway and was shocked. "(Y/N)-san?"


+ New yandere added: Ririka Momobai

Yanderes Unlocked:  18/43

Yandere Unlocked: Itsuki Sumeragi

"Your nails are so pretty... Can I have them?"

Who is the mystery boy?

a) Keiji Akaashi

b) Akinori Konoha

c) ???

d) Tsutomu Goshiki

What's the next gambling match (Y/N) will watch?

a) Daichi Sawamura vs Testurō Kuroo

b) Yū Nishinoya vs Yūji Terushima

c) Eita Semi vs Satori Tendou

What's (Y/N)'s next inter counter with Kageyama?

a) He's watching the same gambling match as her

b) He's fighting Bokuto

c) He's fighting Terushima

d) He talks to her during the lunch hour

Happy Reading! Sayonara! Stay Safe! ~Author-san

Word count: 775 words

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