Loss of control

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Crystal POV:

I looked around as I walked through the woods. Hearing a noise I turned to a clearing to see Bloom standing, trying to get her magic to work. I hid behind a tree and watched silently as she took out her phone before putting it back in her pocket. I smiled as she formed a small fire in her hands. However that smile soon left as she started to loose control.

"Bloom." I called, stepping out from behind the tree.
She turned to me, seeing my fear.
"No! Crystal get away from here." She called out as she kept throwing fire onto the ground.

I panicked as some came close to me. Closing my eyes I opened them and panicked as I seen snow starting to fall.

"Bloom, Crystal!"
I turned to see Aisha looking at us n concern.
"Aisha you should not be here." Bloom stated.
"Neither should either of you. Your losing control."
"Yes I know that." Bloom shouted, causing me to flinch.
Aisha watched me before slowly moving towards Bloom.
"Calm down. Your scaring your sister. If you get mad at me.."
"Just go away." Bloom screamed before letting a fire out.
"Aisha run." I shouted in fear as the snow came down quickly.

Aisha looked at me before turning back to my sister. She bent down and I watched in awe as water came out of the ground and engulfed the flames Bloom created.  Once the flames were out she turned to me and walked towards me. Bloom looked at Aisha in awe before seeing me.

"Crystal. I'm so sorry." Bloom said as she ran towards me.
"Why were you here?" I asked, a shiver in my voice.
"I was trying to gain control away from people." She explained as she pulled me into a hug.
"We better go." Aisha stated once I had calmed down fully.

 Bloom kept her arm around me as we made our way back to the school. I looked back at Aisha and she smiled at me while we entered the quiet corridors.

"You shouldn't have been out there." BLoom stated suddenly, looking back at Aisha.
"Is that American for "Sorry I almost set you on fire"? You were a runaway train with no idea what you were doing."
"Which is why I was out there alone trying to figure it out." 
"And while your at it your sister sees you and becomes terrified leading to her loosing control. Brilliant idea." Aisha said sarcastically causing me to glare at her slightly.
"We're not like the rest of you." I stated before Bloom continued.
"We didn't grow up here. We don't have fairy parents. I've done magic once in my life and it was........."
"What? Terrible. I'm shocked." Aisha stated. " I flooded my entire secondary school after I failed a math test. Taps sprinklers, toilets. Have you ever waded through human poo? I have, not pleasant. Sometimes being a fairy means you have to deal with shit." She explained, looking at both of us.
"So my.... mom and I don't really get along. I know, it's a shocker. I'm not exactly the ideal daughter for her." Bloom stated as she and Aisha sat down. "She'd love a cheerleader and I'm whatever the opposite of that is." 
"YOu don't have to." I said to Bloom, looking across to her as I remembered how she found her powers.
"That night I couldn't sleep." Bloom said knocking me out of my thoughts. "Every time I closed my eyes the anger just kept building. Then it happened. It was almost like the fire had a life of it's own. I don't remember how long I let it burn I just remember their screams. My mom was covered in third degree burns." She looked up at me. "Because of me my sister ended up being blocked from getting out. We didn't realize until dad and I got mom out. We thought she was gone. And yet surprisingly she was alive. Despite the fire taking out the whole house she was there, alive and unharmed." 
Aisha looked at me in shock.
"I remember lying in bed then hearing screams. I opened my door to see flames surrounding the door. I couldn't get out. I tried to open the window but it was stuck. I thought I was gone so I went back to my bed and just curled up, crying when it happened. Snow started to fall and the flames couldn't get near me. It was my powers that saved me." I explained, looking ahead
"Every night after that I snuck out. I was so scared that I'd hurt them again that I slept in this creepy ass warehouse near my house until Miss Dowling found me. I don't know how she knew of Selena but she told me to bring her with me."
"All right. Fire story beats shit story. You win." Aisha stated jokingly causing me to smile softly. "And your parents had no idea it was you? Or how you survived unharmed." 
"My parents believe that it was a miracle. Thy didn't think much of it, they were just glad that I was alive." I stated causing her to nod
"I don't know how distant my fairy ancestors are but the most mystical thing my parents believe in is knocking on wood."
"What?" I asked, seeing the look Aisha gave Bloom.
"It's just weird. You drew on a great deal of magic without even trying. It's hard to believe your from a dormant bloodline. And Crystal you easily brought on the snowflakes when you were in fear back there. Is there any chance you're adopted?"
"No." I stated curtly.
"No I....... No, I've heard the story of my birth a million times. The miracle baby. I had a heart defect in the womb but a day after I was born it was gone. Selena was a mistake but a blessing." Bloom stated.
"Oh God. You, your a changeling."
"What's that?" I asked in confusion.
"Aisha what's a changeling?"  Bloom asked when she didn't answer.
" A changeling is a fairy baby that's switched with a human one at birth. It's barbaric It barely happens anymore."
"That's not possible." Bloom muttered.
"Your both clearly very powerful Bloom. You have to be pure blooded."
"I would know if my parents weren't my parents Aisha." Bloom stated standing up. 
"Why would you even sat that?" I asked, looking at her in shock.
"I'm just trying to help." Aisha said in defense.
"Well your not." Bloom snapped, grabbing my arm before storming off.

As we got into the suite I followed Bloom into her room. I lay on her bed as she went and sat at the table. I closed my eyes and took deep breathes before opening them when hearing someone walk in. I looked to see Stella walking towards Bloom. I ignored them before seeing Stella giving Bloom her ring.

"Are you coming Crystal?" She asked.
"Where to?" I asked, standing up.

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