Memories revolved........almost

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Crystal POV:

I walked towards the circle where Bloom said to meet. Coming to the clearing I seen Bloom and Stella talking. Frowning, I walked towards them.

"Hey, I got your text." I stated as I got beside her, "What's going on?"
"Stella is helping me control my magic with emotions." Bloom explained before Stella interrupted her.
"This doesn't seem right." I stated as I heard what Stella was saying but the two chose to ignore me.

I watched as Stella prompted Bloom to use her magic in a negative way. Watching Bloom, I seen her eyes glow red before fire started to appear in the bowl. I gasped and watched in amazement on her actually doing it. Bloom looked at Stella with a smile.

"What? You think your done?" Stella asked her causing me to frown.
"I'm going to go get dinner. I've a meeting with Harvey in the greenhouse afterwards so I'll meet you at the border later." I stated before leaving them alone.

Heading towards the canteen I seen Sky sitting alone. I grabbed my food before heading towards him, smiling slightly as I sat down, him looking up.

"Crystal?" He asked, a small smile on his face.
"Is it okay if I sit here?" I asked.
"Yeah, of course. What's up?" He asked, setting his phone down.
"Nothing much, the girls are off doing their own thing before tonight so I'm here." I explained, looking down at my food.
"Well I'm glad you decided to sit with me."
I smiled and started eating my dinner.

"So, why don't we get to know each other?" Sky asked after some silence.
"Sure." I shrugged after swallowing my food.
"Okay, uhh, how was life growing up?" Sky asked with a smile as he picked some food up.
"Well pretty ordinary, went to school, hung out with friends, stayed home. My relationship with my parents weren't always the best." 
"How so?" Sky asked, confused.
"I mean don't get me wrong I love them and they love me, but after the whole fire incident they started treating me like I was china that would suddenly break." I explained, looking down at my food while playing with it.
"Hey, it's okay." Sky smiled, taking my hand.
"What was, uhh, what was our relationship like?" I asked, intrigued to find out more.
"We were more than friends, we were like siblings. Spent every moment together, sometimes fought but we were always there for each other. Silva had raised me since I was 3 so I met you when you were one. Two years later you were taken, I was devastated." Sky said, smiling sadly at the memories.
"Sounds like the best." I smiled before looking at the time on my phone, " Hey, umm, I'm meeting with Dowling and Silva. They are going to try help relocate my memories. Would you like to come?" I asked, unsure of what he'd say. "You don't have to if you don't want to." I said quickly, seeing his shocked face.
"No, umm, I wasn't expecting you to ask me to. I would love to join you." He smile, taking my hand and squeezing it gently.

I smiled and grabbed my tray to bring my rubbish to the bin. Sky followed behind and I smiled at him before walking towards the greenhouse with Sky by my side. As we neared it I took a deep breath and turned to Sky to see him watching me. He nodded and rubbed my back before opening the door and letting me in first.

I smiled weakly and walked in to see Silva, Dowling and Harvey standing in a circle talking. They turned to face me when I came in before looking behind me to see Sky coming in behind me. Silva nodded at Sky and I looked back to see Him nodding back before looking at me.

"I asked him to come, I hope it's okay?" I asked, unsure of what to say.
"Of course it is hun." Dowling answered with a smile.

I smiled back and walked closer to them, Sky not too far behind me. Silva and Dowling smiled at me as Harvey came towards me.

"Today we are going to try regain your memories of your past. Reunite you with your real family." Harvey explained.
"How are you going to try and achieve that?" I asked in confusion.
"In order to do that I am going to sedate you then Dowling are going to go into your mind and try relocate the memories have lost and break the barriers preventing you from remembering." He explained.
"Okay, sounds easy enough." I shrugged, looking at Sky who nodded.
"So I am going to get you to sit on this bed while I go get the antidote that will ease you to sleep. And when you wake up you should have all your remembers, both before you were taken and after" Harvey said before moving away.

"You sure your up for this? We can wait a while longer if you like." Sky asked in concern.
"I want answers almost as much as they do. At least this day I know my parents, even if I'm not who they think I am." I explained, handing Sky my bag as I indicated to Silva and Dowling who were talking to Harvey.
"Once your sure." He said as he took my bag and stood back with Silva as Harvey and Dowling came towards me.

"Now sit on the bed and then take this in one go when your ready." Harvey explained, handing me a small vial of a clear substance.

I nodded and took it as I sat on the bed. Looking at Silva and Sky they both nodded before I took the liquid. Starting to feel drowsy I looked at Dowling as my eyes fluttered shut, falling back on the bed.

3rd POV:

Harvey moves Crystal to a lying down position on her back, making sure she was safe before allowing Dowling to move closer. Silva and Sky watched on as Dowling took Crystals hand and closed her eyes before opening them, showing her silver eyes.

Hearing the door open Sky and Silva turn to see Bloom walking in. Bloom looked around before seeing Dowling standing over Crystal with Crystal lying past out. Realizing that she was using her powers on her sister, Bloom ran forward.

"Get away from her!" Bloom shouted at Dowling, rushing towards them.
"Bloom Wait........" Sky started but it was too late as Dowling lost concentration.
"Bloom stop for a minute." Dowling started only to be interrupted.
"What did you do to her?" Bloom asked, looking at Dowling and Harvey who had moved closer to try calm the red haired fairy.
"Bloom, calm down, we can talk about this." Harvey stated.
"I'm not talking to you about anything. Crystal wake up, Crystal!!" Bloom shouted in concern, shaking Crystal by her shoulders.
"Bloom be careful, she has been sedated..."
"Sedated, what the hell is that suppose to mean. Crystal, can you hear me." Bloom shouted before speaking softly to her sister, cupping her cheek.

Crystal groaned and opened her eyes, out of it. Bloom helped her sister up before gripping her arms when she seen Crystal stumble.

"Bloom wait, you can't bring Crystal out of here when she's like that." Harvey started, moving closer.
"I am getting her away from here before you start using your magic on her again." Bloom stated through gritted teeth.
"There could be serious side effects from what she took, she has to be monitored."
"I am not leaving her here so you can try use your magic against her again. She's better with me." Bloom stated before grabbing Crystals bag from Sky and leaving the greenhouse.

"What side effects can she have from being woken from the antidote without letting it wear off on it's own?" Silva asked as he moved closer to Harvey and Dowling.
"Many things. Forgetfulness, tiredness, loss control or lose ability to use magic being most dangerous." Harvey stated causing Silva and Dowling to look at each other in concern.
"She just got back control." Dowling sighed.
"Let's hope it doesn't get that far." Silva stated.
"I can check up on her later on." Sky offered.
"Thanks Sky." Dowling smiled.
"For now we have to start moving out to move the burned one." Silva sighed, hiding his disappointment.

The rest nodded before heading back to their usual work.

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