Surprised emotions

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3rd POV:

 Crystal sitting with Stella watching Riven and Sky training together. She glanced at Silva to see  him limping towards the two boys with a stick in his hand for support. Sighing heavily she turned her attention back to the two specialists as they practiced combat, chuckles lightly when Riven floors Sky.

Stella looks up at Crystal as she looks her way and smiles softly before going back to her phone. Crystal rolled her eyes and turns back her attention to Sky and Riven to see them coming towards them. She moves over when they come over, Riven sitting beside her.  Sky glances towards them before looking at Silva, leaning back behind Stella to squeeze Crystals hand slightly. Crystal follows his gaze and watches as well. She lost concentration of what was happening around her as she watched her biological father struggle to move around. She comes out of daze when Riven nudges her, and she smiles at him reassuringly before watching Sky and Stella interact before the princess left.

"She must be mind blowing right?" Riven stated causing Crystal to gasp audibly.
"What are you talking about?" Sky asked in confusion, glancing at Crystal as she takes a drink from water bottle she had in her hand.
"I'm just trying to figure out why the fuck you started things up with her again. Like, she's crazy hot yeah, but emphasis is squarely on 'crazy'." Riven stated causing Crystal to frown and hit him slightly.
"Riven, leave him be." Crystal stated, causing Riven to hold his hands up in surrender.
Sky watched the two mess around, glaring at Riven slightly before turning back to watch Silva.
"Look, I would blame her for your shit sparring lately, but I know you and Silva are close. I'm about if you ever wanna...." 
"I gotta run Ok." Sky stated before getting up and walking away, squeezing Crystals shoulder before.

"He seems way to stressed lately." Riven noted, moving his head closer to me as he spoke, watching Sky leave.
"His father figure could potentially die, wouldn't you feel that way if that happened to you?" Crystal stated, trying to hide the emotions she felt of the situation.
"I guess so." Riven nodded in agreement. "Hey, you going to the party tonight?" Riven asked, changing the subject.
"I'm not much of a party goer." Crystal stated, shaking her head in denial.
"Nah come on, it'll be fun." He stated, hitting her leg slightly.
"I'll see." She stated, looking at her phone to see the time. "Shit I'm late to class. I'm gonna go." She stated, standing up.
"I'll seya later." Riven called at her as she left.
"We'll see." She shouted back, leaving the training area and running to class.


Crystal POV:

I sighed as I leaved last class of the day, making my way toward the dorm area, cringing as the students moved excitedly for the specialists party tonight. I looked around to see Riven standing near the fire exit with Beatrix and he turns his head to me, nodding slightly before turning his attention back to the fairy he was with. I just continued pushing my way through the crowds of students to reach the winx dorm, before closing the door behind me only to hear voices in the bathroom. closes door to hear voices in bathroom. Frowning in confusion I make my way towards the bathroom, before gasping slightly in surprise when I seen Aisha and Bloom helping Terra do some makeup. They looked up at me as I turned back when I heard footsteps, seeing Musa coming towards us.

"This is weird." Musa stated.
"Your telling me. I just walked into this scene and am currently so confused." I explained, pointing at the three dorm mates.
"Why aren't you ready for the party?" Terra asked, looking at the four of us who stood in front of her.
"I don't do parties." I stated as the rest came up with some form of excuse.
"I don't care we're going. To show that were cool, and..."
"Hot?" Aisha asked as she finished fixing Terras make up.
"Come on Crystal, I'll help you pick something out." Bloom smiled at me, taking my hand to drag me to my room.
"Bloom I really don't do parties, you know this." I whined, sitting on the bed.
"Come on, it'll be fun. Time for you to get out of your shell." She stated before working on my makeup.

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