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Crystal POV:

"So how's Alfea?" Dad spoke through the phone.
"It's umm, good, I guess. I dunno, I'm still adjusting." I stated truthfully, looking out the window.
"Yeah, well, if you ever want to go home, you know where we are."
"I know, thanks dad." I smiled before hearing a knock on the door. "How's all on your end?" I asked as I walked towards the door.
"It's quiet, I didn't think it would be but I guess having two teenage daughters does mean slight caous." I laughed gently before opening the door.

My eyes widened as I seen Silva standing at the door. Looking around behind him I beckoned him in before closing the door. He walks near the window when I beckon to the phone.

"Your mom picked up a new hobby which should be interesting." dad finished on the phone with a sarcastic voice.
"Sounds great. Hey dad, I have to go. I have classes to get to and I want to meet with a teacher first before it starts." I explained, trying to get off the phone.
"Oh yeah of course, I'll let you go. Talk soon?"
"Yeah, course." I smiled gently even though he couldn't see.
"I love you Crystal."
"I love you too dad." I stated, looking at Silva who acted like he wasn't listening.

I hung up and threw my phone onto the bed. Silva glanced to the phone before looking at me with an eye raised. I just rolled my eyes and moved my head to the side. After a few minutes of awkward silence I gave a smile causing Silva to smile back.

"How are you?" I ask, folding my arms over my chest.
"As good as can be expected." He stated, gesturing to the bed before sitting on it when I nod my head.
"How does it feel?" I asked, sitting beside him.
"Not much really. Pain which isn't pleasant but also bearable." He explains.
"How long have you got?" I asked, looking down at my hands."
"We don't know." He stated and I nodded my head slowly in acceptance, "But, what I do know is that we have the best past students out looking for it." He stated, bumping my shoulder with his elbow causing me to laugh, "You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine." He assured me.
"I know I didn't know it for the most of my time here. But I just got you back, I don't think I'm ready to lose you yet." I said, tears building in my eyes.
Silva smiles at me sadly.
"Come here." He sighed before pulling me into a hug.

I sighed and accepted the hug. He wrapped his good arm around my shoulders and I wrapped one around his back, the other clutching his coat. Allowing my breath to exhale loudly, I relaxed into the hug when I felt him kiss the crown of my head. 

The air was quite before I heard voices in the living area. I jumped away from Silva and got up to check who was there. Opening my door slightly I seen Aisha and Bloom talking before turning back to Silva to see him standing up. I watched as they stood in the living area talking before turning o the bathroom when a voice was heard calling for help. Once they were out of sight I turned to Silva and nodded.

Opening my door I carefully looked around before heading towards the dorm door. I held my breath as it opened to reveal Musa. She looked at me and smiled before heading off to the bathroom, ignoring Silva. I rolled my eyes as we got out the door and I closed it before turning to Silva who watched me in amusement.

"Shut up." I stated, turning away from him.
"I didn't say anything." He replied.
"You didn't have to." I replied before looking at him, "I better go. But I will see you soon." 
"Be careful." He stated over my shoulder.
"I always am." I replied before leaving to met Dane.


"Hey Crystal." Dane smiled, leaning against a pillar as I walked into the canteen.
"Hi." I smiled, stopping in front of him. 
"So I thought maybe we could walk through the garden and then maybe sit and talk for a bit. There's not much else here anyway." Dane stated with a smile, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sounds good." I smiled as Dane stood up properly before offering his hand.
"Cool, let's go then." 

I laughed as we made our way out of the school building and headed towards the gardens. I looked around in awe, still not used to seeing all the magic that surrounded us on the daily. Dane chucked causing me to look at him with a smile.

"What?" I asked, squinting my eyes in confusion.
"Nothing, just, watching your face as you watch your surroundings, it's cute." Dane smiled softly, bumping into me slightly.
"Oh." I stated, looking down to hide my blush.
"I mean it, your cute when your concentrating on something." 
"Thanks." I smiled, tucking some hair behind my ear as we continued walking.

Dane lead me towards a dead end which had a bench underneath an arc or flowers. I smiled as I walked over to the bench, cupping a pink flower which glowed upon being touched. Dane came beside me and watched with wide eyes.

"Flowers here are so magical." I stated, not looking at Dane.
"Yeah, they are." Dane said, half in a daze.
"How did you find it?" 
"Exploring the school grounds, came across it." He shrugged as we sat on the bench.
"It's amazing." I smiled, looking at Dane who was watching me.
"I don't have much interest in flowers so I wouldn't know." Dane shrugged in admittance.
"Your such a guy." I joked and Dane laughed, causing me to smile as we enjoyed our time together.


Riven POV:

I groaned as I exited my dorm, moving towards the school grounds for a smoke. Sky and Stella were in the dorm and seeing Stella all over Sky made me frustrated, knowing how Stella was dragging him around. Reaching outside I grabbed a cigarette from the packet and placed it in my mouth, cupping the tip of it as I lit it. I breathed in before exhaling some smoke.

Hearing laughs, I turned my head only to see Crystal walking back up to the school building with Dane close by her. The two laughed over something Dane had said with Crystals arm wrapped around Danes. I scowled as I watched the two interact with each other before turning my back to them as they came closer to where I was standing.

"Riven hey." Crystal called, causing me to turn and catch her smiling as they came to a stop in front of me.
"Crystal, Dane." I nodded, looking away from them slightly.
"Riven." Dane nodded his head at me before looking at Crystal who looked at us in confusion.
"What were you guys doing?" I asked, trying to not look interested.
"We went for a walk around the gardens and Dane showed me this really amazing area of an arc of flowers above a bench. It was really cute." Crystal spoke in admiration, and I fought to roll my eyes as Dane looked at me with side eyes.
"Yeah it was good." Dane agreed, smiling at Crystal who was looking at her watch.
"Oh shoot it's almost 9, I better head back to my dorm." Crystal spoke, making a face as she looked up at the two of us.
"Oh I can walk you." Dane offered.
"No, no it's fine. Your the opposite way. I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow." She stated, pointing at Dane who nodded with a smile.
"Yeah sure, see you tomorrow." 
"Alright great. I had fun. Bye Riven." Crystal smiled before walking away from us.
"Seya." I sighed, throwing my cigarette and stepping on it before looking at Dane with a hard look.

"What?" Dane asked in confusion.
"I don't know what your playing at, but I swear, don't do anything you'll regret." I stated to Dane with a hard look before walking off, leaving him there in confusion.

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