1 • background

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i was only 1 when i first met my dear thomas felton. of course, at the time, i didn't realize i was sharing baby bottles with a soon-to-be famous actor. if i did know at the time, i would've stayed far away from there.

my name is sage grover and i was born on october 24, 1987. my parents moved to Epsom, UK when i was only just 1. i don't remember much from it. then again, i was still an infant.

growing up, my life was pretty much as perfect as it could get. i had no siblings, meaning that i never had to share. my parents took me to travel the world while i could.

i managed to see amazing places like Italy, Greece, Australia, and Brazil. honestly, the list could go on.

aside from that, when i was at home, i spent time with the felton family.

the felton's were our next door neighbors. almost all of my memories as a child evolved around them in someway or another.

I would spend almost all my time over there. yeah, my parents took me to do amazing things. when we would get back to the UK, they would go straight back to work.

every morning, at exactly 8:30 AM, i would walk my way over to the felton house.

their family consisted of sharon, peter, jonathan, ashley, chris, and thomas felton. they were pretty much a second family to me.

since i had no siblings, the boys acted like my brothers.

jonathan was the eldest felton son. me and him never talked much, but he still managed to make time for me outside of school if i had nobody else to be around.

chris was who i liked to call "the teaser". he was 5 years older than me, obviously giving him the right to be able to pick on me whenever he pleases. he would tease me for the littlest things like enjoying a pickle or even something as simple as hanging out with tom.

ashley was more of an emotional support friend. every time i had a scrape on my knee, he would be the first person to grab a bandage. if my parents yelled at me, he would let me talk to him. he was definitely someone i would never be able to get rid of.

out of all of them, tom was my best friend.

me and the were both the same age. we were only born about a month apart, making us closer than ever.

me and him were as close as any friendship could get. spending the night every weekend, stealing homework answers, sharing food, sneaking out at 1 AM after my parents would fall asleep.

my favorite memory of us is actually one of us sneaking out. his entire family was already fast asleep in bed, preparing to wake up early the next morning for tom to start filming the second harry potter film.

my parents were out of time for "work-related business", giving me all the freedom in the world.

i remember that i was so worried something would happen to tom, like he would forget me while he was away. it was about 1:30 in the morning when i peaked through the blinds of my window, seeing tom sitting on the edge of his bed.

i noticed that he seemed to be just as sad as i was, i just didn't know if it was for the same reason.

i walked over to his house in only a robe and a pair of slippers. at the same time, it was tom we were talking about. he was the least person to judge me for my appearance.

i made it to the front of the house, grabbing a ping pong ball i had dropped earlier off the ground. i threw it at thomas's window as he opened it almost immediately.

i managed to help him climb from the second level all the way to me. before we had managed to go anywhere, he gave me a hug before whispering "i can't wait."

words between us • tom feltonWhere stories live. Discover now