5 • the lunch

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i was swarming through my closet, throwing out any items of clothing i didn't like onto my bed.

tom was coming over at 8 so we could go run the "errands" before our lunch at 11.

to be fair, i did actually have to go to the store. i just didn't have anything else to do after that. i told him i had to go to the mall to get something for my "friends birthday"

little did he know i was only getting myself something there so we could waste our time.

i was actually quite excited for today. i haven't been out with a boy since ja- excuse me, i haven't been it with a boy in 3 years.

except, most people probably wouldn't consider this as "going out". mainly since he has a girlfriend and i'm pretty sure he still thinks i'm married.

i mean, i shouldn't blame him. i still wear my wedding ring everywhere. i couldn't bring myself to take it off yet.

i finally found an outfit that is actually somewhat descent. i smiled in relief as i immediately stripped down to put it on.

"sage!" i heard a familiar voice call from the living room.

"tom? how did you get in?" i yelled back as i tried to put my clothes back on before he walked in.

"you told me where the spare key was since you didn't know if you would wake up in time."

i cursed to myself as i tried putting on my clothes as fast as i could. i luckily managed to do so right before he opened my bedroom door.

"sage, i- what did you do to your room?" he looked in disgust as the clothes scattered everywhere, the wine on the bedside table and the messy covers.

"well, i have friends over late last evening who didn't bother to pick up what they left out." i lied. too bad i think he saw right through the lie.

"well, i think you need some better friends-" he spoke sarcastically.

"well, i think you need a better girlfriend-" i mumbled to where he wouldn't be able to hear me.

"what was that?" he asked curiously.

"don't worry about it," i smiled.

i followed him out to his car, of course he had the most expensive car i've probably ever seen.

"do you not like the car? we can take a differe-" he said hesitantly.

"tom, the car is fine. i just think you could've brought a car that's not...all that." he smiled in response.

"i'm tom felton, i can do whatever i please."

i rolled my eyes as we both sat in the car.

the entire car ride was an awkward silence. if silence could kill, it would have done so to us already.

"so..." he started awkwardly, "how's work been?"

"it's been good, i guess. i started traveling again a couple months ago after a little break."

"that's good, why did you take a break?" he asked.

"-it's complicated, i guess. i just needed the break." i lied.

"well, are you traveling any time soon?"

"i am going to italy in a couple of weeks. there's a farm that's been having a disease spread among the animals. they need me to come up and check on them." i explained.

"wouldn't an animal disease be urgent?"

"it depends. the type that these animals have won't hurt them quickly. if they do die, it would happen till after about 6 months," i spoke, "they will be fine until i get there."

words between us • tom feltonWhere stories live. Discover now