16 • caught

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daniel and rupert were currently in london, so we were all out for lunch.

"man, i can't believe you got engaged before the rest of us." rupert said as he playfully shoved my chest.

"i know, it's insane man..." i said almost sadly.

i had been think about sage a lot since she left. the kiss meant a thousand words to me, and i would
never forgot it.

i think that's was so wrong about it. i cant forget about kissing another girl that's not jade.

yet, i don't regret it.

i've honestly been a wreck since she left. i thought jade would stay around more now that we were engaged, but she didn't.

i tried to hold my worried behind me...but i can help it. i know jade is doing something else that she isn't telling me, and i'm scared.

i love jade, a lot more than anyone else in this world. i would be completely lost if i didn't have her in my life.

these past 6 years with her were pure love and lust. she showed me how to love someone, even through the darkest of time.

so if she's gone...i will be lost.

"you don't seem too happy about it," daniel noticed.

"i guess i'm just nervous," i lied.

even thought i wanted to spend the rest of my life with jade, i still couldn't help but think about sage.

"i would be nervous too," rupert said cheerfully, trying to lighten the mood.

"well, now that we are done, do you guys want to come back to my place?" i asked, "i know my mother will be coming over later this afternoon and she's dying to see you guys."

i think my mother loved daniel and rupert more than she loved me.

"yeah," both men said at the exact same time.

the drive back, rupert was going on and on about ta new girl he met. she seemed pretty legit based on the way he was describing her.

daniel was telling us about his new life in new york. apparently he got a beautiful apartment and his really living his life there.

i told them about sage, well everything besides the kiss we shared.

the boys actually used to be friends with sage as well, mainly around the time i was friends with her too. i know sometimes they will call and check up on her, so i thought it would only be right to tell them about her now.

"so she really in italy?" daniel asked shocked.

"yeah! from what her mother said, she's really loving it there." i explained, "we are here,"

i pulled up to the rental place me and jade were sharing, i saw jades car in the front parking lot. what was weird is that it was accompanied by a truck?

words between us • tom feltonWhere stories live. Discover now