7 • drinks and new begginings

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i actually did end up leaving with benji that evening. he planned on taking me back to my flat, but somehow we ended up at a pub.

it had been at least a year since i had been into a pub. the only drinking i did recently was my daily glass of wine.

i had to admit, the wine felt better than any other alcohol did.

i was actually enjoy this night. i never exactly enjoyed going to the pup with jack because it usually ended with me not remembering anything.

benji was simple when it came to drinking. if you gave him a simple beer, he would be completely satisfied.

me and him weren't exactly into all the drinking games that all the university students were currently playing beside us.

"so," benji started, "tell me about this promotion of yours that your mother was going on about."

"well, i was offered to live in italy for 16 months while managing the new vet office there once it opens." i explained as i took another sip of beer.

"are you going to take it?"

"i was at first, but i don't know so much anymore." i responded with a fading smile on my face.

"is it because of tom?" he asked almost angrily.

"most definitely not!" i laughed, "i think it's more about the mindset of actually leaving for good that scares me."

"or are you just scared that you'll never come back?" i heard him speak while he sipped the last part of his beer.

it was true. it's hard to walk away from a place like italy after living there for 16 months. the culture, the food, the sights, all of it. it would be almost impossible to walk away once my time was up there.

"that too," i admitted.

"well, whatever you do," he raised a cup, "i will always be here for you."

i mumbled out a 'thank you' as i finished the last sip of my beer.

today was a lot better than i thought it would be. i didn't realize how much i missed having benji around until now.

he was always one to make me laugh, and he still is.

"i haven't drank as much as you," he spoke while getting his keys, "i'll drive."

i simply nodded as we walked out to my car.

"we should do this again sometime," he said with a smile on his face as he opened my car door.

"i highly agree, mr. weston." i responded once he got to the other side of the car.

"he would be proud of you, i hope you know that," benji darkened the mood.

"what makes you say that?" i responded harshly.

"you are doing something which none of us thought was possible: moving on," i looked at him with a sad face.

"to new beginnings, i guess." i said while lifting up an invisible glass. all he responded with is a weak smile. he begun to drive off.

"i have to admit, tom quite scared me earlier." he laughed out.

"yeah, he can be intense sometimes" i respond with no emotion.

"the way he looked at you, was almost like he wanted you so deeply. it was scary to be honest with you." he said with an almost concerned tone while looking at me.

"please look at the road, i don't need any more car accident. especially since you are slightly tipsy," i changed the subject.

"okay," he whispered to himself, understanding that i don't want to talk.

words between us • tom feltonWhere stories live. Discover now