Idols and arguments💜🍭

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Jimin's POV: me and the members were going on stage an 30 mins. I was pouting cause me and my boyfriend kookie haven't been hanging out much cause he's been preparing for his own things. I pouted cause I saw Jungkook but he went up to IU and started talking with her. Sure she's his celebrity crush but it means nothing anymore cause he loves me but I couldn't help but to feel jealous. I saw them about to hug and I got up and frowned and pushed past them without saying anything. Jungkook noticed and he turned and said, "hyung"? I ignored him cause he didn't bother to see if I was in the room. He just went up to IU and ignored me practically. I know I am being childish but I don't care I haven't even seen him all day and he hasn't bothered to really see me either. I gave him space cause he needs focus. I saw Jungkook coming towards me but he stopped when I turned and ran into someone it was Kai hyung. He smiled and said, " mochi"? I looked up and jumped in his arms and said, " hyungie I haven't seen you in a while". He laughed and held my thighs after he put me down and I grabbed his hands and pulled him to a private area cause I noticed Jungkook was jealous And clenching his fist. I smiled and kept with my plan and wrapped in arm around Kai and he said, "mochi you look beautiful let's go say hi to taemin hyung". I giggled and nodded and said, " your handsome yourself". We left and I saw taemin talking with Jennie I noticed Kai froze and turned to a tomato. I pulled him before they could see us aside and said, " you either have a fever or like taemin or Jennie huh"? He blushed deeper and he said, "I-I like J-Jennie mochi your her friend right can you help me"? I smirked and said, " of course but I need your help too". He looked surprised and said, " what is it"? I told him how Jungkook went to iu and didn't visit me at all, And how upset I was. He said, " easy deal than awww mochi I am sure he was busy himself you know he loves you and IU and him are friends just friends". I pouted and said, "who's side are you on? I could introduce Jennie to tae tae if you prefer"? He shook his head quickly and said, " YOUR SIDE YOUR RIGHT IF JUNGKOOK CARED HE'D VISIT YOU HES MISSING OUT THAT BRAT, so Jennie?" I smiled and said, " of course let's go say hi to her, she's one of my favorite bad bitches we have similar style and shes a sweet heart, I won't hesitate to chop your dick off if you hurt her". He nodded shivering. When we got there Jennie was there she looked hot. Kai seemed nervous but more put together than before. I went up to her and said, " Jennie long time no see". She turned around and smiled and hugged me tightly and said, " minnie I missed you how is it going with kook"? I pouted and told her the story and she was annoyed and said " ugh kook is such an air head how could he ignore you like that? Your such a babe tho so he's missing out". I nodded and held her hand and said, " this is Kai from exo he's such a good friend of mine he's the sweetest". Jennie smiled and bowed and said, "nice to meet you I am Jennie I am a fan". He blushed and bowed and said, " same I love dark pink". My eyes went wide and I pinched him and laughed and said, " HAHAHA KAI YOUR A FUNNY GUY WE ALL LOVE BLACKPINK RIGHT". he was shocked and nodded. We talked for a while than I went to cuddle taemin cause Jennie and Kai got boring and flirty and I was hurt from my own relationship. When we were called out to get ready I left and said bye to everyone.

Kai outfit - exo loveshot performance outfit❤️

Kai outfit - exo loveshot performance outfit❤️

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