Tiktok(christmas special)🎄🔞

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I am currently at the store looking for wrapping paper and tape. I wanted to do this trend I saw on tik tok.

It's an Ariana grande song the lyrics go like, "oh I wanna let him unwrap me like ooh get on top him By the fire place ooh" I think it would be perfect for the holiday spirit and I would tag my boyfriend and he would freak the hell out.

I giggled and looked for wrapping paper when I arrived to the holiday section. I decided on a red since Jungkook says red looks sexy on me. I saw some cute bows and put them In the cart. I quickly got my tape. I smiled headed to the alcohol section and decided to get some wine to set the mood.

That's when I heard a whistle. I ignored it and was about to leave the isle when this random tall dude stood Infront of my cart. He checked me out licking his lips. I than asked, " excuse me could you move out the way your blocking my way?" He scoffed and said, " your not gonna drink that wine all alone are you sweet heart?"

I rolled my eyes and said, " of course not my boyfriend will pour it all over my body and lick it off. Got a problem with that?" I saw him clench his fist and say. " where is he than? He's probably imaginary" I chuckled and said, " look get out of fantasy land and let me get through so I can be in my boyfriend arms."

He stood there angered and I proceeded to move my cart and bump into him with it. I walked past him and he looked even more pissed. I went and paid and headed home. That dude totally ruined my mood.

I shrugged and arrived home. I unlocked the door and saw Jungkook no where to be seen. I pouted about to lock the door when it was held open. I smiled when I was back hugged. I cuddled back and said, " Jungkookie you startled me" I looked down at the hands around my waist and my heart dropped. There was no tattoos on them.

I screamed top of my lungs and the dude covered my mouth. By than Jungkook rushed to the living room and I saw his eyes go from worried to pissed. He marched over and pulled me away landing his fist on the dudes face. I noticed it was the same creep from the store.

I got my shit together and yelled, " why the fuck did you follow me? I said I have a boyfriend you fucking insane asshole" Jungkook looked at me and said, " so he was bothering you?" I nodded and the dude laid there in the floor wiping the blood of his lip and said, " you got lucky whore. Or else I would have made you my whore" I gasped when Jungkook landed another punch knocking out his front tooth. The dude stood up angrily about to run when Jungkook held him down and said, " call the cops baby"

My heart fluttered at the words and I saw the dude struggled under my boyfriends arms. While I took my phone out my pocket and dialed quickly giving my address. The cops arrived shortly and We showed them the security footage at our house and he was arrested.

Jungkook shut the door and washed the blood off his fist. I walked over and back hugged him. And said, " my hero" he chuckled and said, " baby are you okay?" I nodded against his back and said, " yeah he was being a creep at the store too." I heard him slam the Fossett off and turn to hug me. He muttered a " sorry baby you must have been scared my love. I'll always protect you. I am so pissed he put his hands on you my love" I blushed at his sweet words

I said, " my big bunny hero, I know you'll always protect me. Like I'll always do my  best to protect you. I love you jungkookie" he kissed my head while rubbing my back. And said, " I love you more hyung" I smiled and looked up. We lost ourself in each other and leaned for a kiss. It started as a few pecks and turned to a loving make out session. we broke the kiss for air and he kissed my forehead. I smiled and he said, " you have such a beautiful smile Jimin-ah" I got on my tippy toes pecking his lips and said, " you have a beautiful smile too Jungkook-ah"

He smiled and said, " I love it when you call me cute names babe" I giggled and rested my head on his broad chest. Shortly we pulled away and I said, " I wanna shower real quick I feel dirty since he touched me" Jungkook clenched his fist and said, " let me bathe you babe?" I nodded blushing. We held hands and made our way to the bathroom, Jungkook kissed my neck. He removed my red cardigan. Caressing my shoulders and moved on to my pants looking at my eyes for permission.

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