Prologue: Application

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Dream, known as his Minecraft handle DreamWasTaken, needed money. Thanks to Elon Musk buying YouTube then deleting any content not made by PewDiePie, Elon, or Cowbelly, he was out of a job. As he pushed a sheep off of a cliff, a sign caught his eye.


     That was convenient.

     Dream stepped into the ice cream parlor, his obsidian-hued orbs gazing around the store like a giraffe looking for leaves before the other asshole giraffes eat them all first. The cashier looked like he was having an existential crisis trying to figure out whether he was inside Minecraft or not, so Dream decided to leave him be and come back later. As the green man turned to leave, he (again, conveniently) knocked into an older man.

     "G- gomen, senpai!" Dream blurted, bowing.

     "We're not inside of Gakuen Babysitters, Dream-chan."

     Reeling from the metaphorical and physical whiplash of that response, Dream-chan began to fall backward. A wiry mound of flesh caught him by the back. It was an arm. The older man's arm. 

     "Careful there! I'm Joe Biden." Joe Biden said. Dream noticed his name tag. It said 'JOE BIDEN' in flashing LEDs. Dream was going to chastise himself for not noticing, but he had almost fallen to his death or something.

     "I sense you need a job, kid."

     "Uhh... how'd you know that."

     "I'm the President (or Former President if you're reading this in the future hi did I ever go to college) of these United States. I have my ways."

     "That's creepy, dude."

     "Rudeness in my presence aside, how would you like to be Baskin-Robbins' new prime-time scooper/floor worker/minimum wage worker?"

     "Yeah, sounds good."

     "First of all, what is your last name?" Dream panicked. That was his rhyming secret shame.

     "Uhhhhhh... Prefer not to answer."

     "And your social security number?"


     "Perfect! Young Dream Prefernottoanswer, you are the newest knight of the Order of the Robbin Baskins. Congratulations."

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