The Search

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"Agatha has begun to release sparks from her fingers!" Thor yells mid entry into one of his monthly Asgardian meetings.

The council seem unimpressed, gnawing on their breakfast over the wide table and waiting for their fearless leader to take a seat.

The demigod clears his throat and settles, lifting his 'earthly' sunglasses and drums the table, once again not receiving a reaction, "What is the official business of the realm that is to be discussed?"

Thor half listens to stories of a dried up stream out west, civilian fights breaking out in the south.

He looks over his shoulder, "Brunnhilde! I would appreciate an Asgardian Meade, if you would be so kind."

"Have you heard a word?," a council member prods.

"I've heard of problems. Problems. Many problems. Brunnhilde?!"

Valkyrie leans forward in answer with her hair blowing lightly in the breeze, "You may fetch the drink yourself...your majesty."

"Ah! It shall be one of those days."

"We face an issue in the northern woodland," a man explains on the far end of the table.

Thor exhales with his eyes on the table, "An invasion of the furry kind. Agatha does love the stubborn yellow tailed fox. What did you call them again?"

"Micro menaces," Brunnhilde sits back.

"Micro, menace. M and M. Have you tried M&M's? They're quite good. The green ones are my personal favorite-."

"They all taste the same."

Thor groans over her sarcasm, "What else of the woods?"

The man fumbles over his words, aggressively spewing each one, "There have been sightings of a great creature, terrorizing the lives of our unsuspecting civilians with the ability to camouflage against the green of the trees."

Thor laughs, "At least it is not Agmundr. For a moment I suspected my son would be the cause of this...drama. I am pleased to know this hearing has nothing to do with my offspring."

"Actually, Thor if I may," a woman starts softly, "It is about your son. Perhaps we should discuss this away from the council?"

"I could use that drink. Someone. Anyone," he takes a breath, "Do speak freely, Lady Sif."

"Agmundr insists on visiting the prisons."

Thor's expression goes blank, pale as his smile disappears, "Station more warriors at the gate. And transfer my brother to the furthest holding cell. Notify me, should Agmundr continue to disregard my wishes. I must see Heimdall. Lady Sif? Are you available to supervise my offspring-."

"Your little demons will need to find someone else."

Valkyrie smiles to herself, brushing her hand against the table as she addresses her peers, "Perhaps we should send your children into the northern forest. Our creature would never be found again, frightened for its life by the two terrors you call offspring."

Thor glares, shaking his head and pointedly says, "No."

"Word is the Midgaurdians have been on high alert," another member eyes Thor.

"I know not of it. Surely I have the time to, address the woods before embarking to Earth?"

"Surely. We should take priority, if I may be so bold, your majesty."

"Antonia Vivian, stop! You need to stay away from her!"

Tony Stark panics as he chases his daughter down a quiet and tense hallway. His foot kicks in the door to the lab before redirecting Antonia in another direction.

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