For Good

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Maria clears her throat as she walks down a building that has started construction.

Riley groans over her lunch date being interrupted and how her mother invites herself to their lunch table- until she remembers what it's for.

Maria silently slides an envelope in Garrett's direction, clearing her throat.

The Barton boy wipes his mouth with a napkin and then triple checks his fingers are clean.

Riley can sense the tension and the nervous nature of her boyfriend.

Maria rolls her eyes over the delay in opening the letter, spilling its contents verbally;

"You'll report Monday at 6am for Agent training."

Garrett finds Maria's face and waits for the rug to be metaphorically pulled out from under him, "You're serious?"

Maria points with her chin to the envelope...

...Signed Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Riley Park-Proctor-Hill.

"Congratulations," Maria mutters.

Garrett gawks, lifting his page with his eyes shifting to Riley, "Oh my god! I'm an agent. I got a job! I need to call my mom-! Brody is going to die when he hears this. Riley! We're going to afford that apartment! You and me."

Riley chuckles when she's scooped up into a hug and feels a kiss on her cheek.

Garrett reaches for his phone to call his mother, standing up from the table.

Maria leans her elbows over the table, "He still has to pass combat training. And the obstacle challenges, and the psych exam."

Riley grins victoriously, ignoring her mother as she takes another bite of her sourdough grilled cheese sandwich.

Maria reaches for the other half and takes a stress filled bite;

"You're not moving in with him. I don't care how nice the apartment is."

Riley shrugs, "We'll see."



"Come in,' Lucy calls from inside her apartment, 'it's open."

Izabella enters at Lucy's call with Alex on her heels, "Hi. Where is Valkyrie?"

Lucy shrugs, folding a sweatshirt, "I'm not sure. She gave me some space to talk with my parents."

Izabella tugs at her fitted olive colored button down top, "How did that conversation go with your parents?"

"Fine,' she quickly changes the topic, 'Brody told me Riley got you a job with SHIELD?"

"You are looking at the soon to be Assistant Science Officer...under Dr. Lewis."

"Sick," Lucy states proudly.

"So sick."

The apartment is emptied with the exception for the one duffle bag.

Clothes are sprawled around the couch and on the ground.

Alex is eager to sniff, circling the space.

Izabella rubs her hands together with a sadness in her stare, fully aware of Lucy's intentions.

"Can I convince you to stay?" The Russian asks.

Lucy scoffs and lifts the eviction notice she's tossed on the counter, "Nope. I'm already dipping into my 24 hour grace period by packing today. I should've been at Asgardian training this morning."

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