Secret's Out

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Antonia is walking along the stream with her arms extended, "Lucy?"

"What," the now adult carefully follows the girl with her protective focus.

"Do you believe in magic? Mom says it's real. Daddy doesn't."

Lucy squints over the sun in their faces, still on foot through their wooded path, "Child; my mom and my uncle are green, my dad's a wolf, Izzy just warped us across the universe, Riley can read our brains, and my eyes are frickin a natural yellow. We are also walking through the land of Norse mythology. I think it's real."

Antonia smiles, "Then I do too."

"Don't copy me, Anna. That's a bad decision," Lucy shrugs with a laugh, "Does anybody have a hair tie? I want one."

"Seriously,' Riley talks through her teeth, 'If your hair is as short as I remember..."

"Shorter. I want one. And you didn't warp my vape with us so it's really in your best interest to keep me calm."

Izabella reaches up to her messy short ponytail with a sigh and tugs her red tinted hair free to give her elastic to Lucy, "If you shoot it at someone, I'm taking it back."

"That's a great idea," she aims her newfound 'weapon' towards Antonia.

"Daddy says I can get a suit when I turn 10-,' Antonia is still rambling 'What color do you guys think I should make it-OW! RILEYYYY! Lucy hit me!"

"No I didn't!"

Riley snaps, "Oh my GOD! You're impossible!"

Izabella raises a hand, "No! Antonia! Don't fall to her leve-."

"-She started it! I have to avenge!" The littlest one chucks a metal object toward Lucy and she smiles widely when she's hit her mark.

"You little-!" Lucy whines over the noise rather than the sensation.

"No, it didn't! YOU SAID YOU DON'T FEEL PAIN!"

"Stop it, you lunatic,' Lucy crouches to lift the item, 'Wow! Anna totally just chucked a bullet at me."

"No, I didn't! It was a tiny rock."

"I'm holding a bullet!"

Riley frowns as she questions, "I thought you said we were in Asgard? Bullets exist in Asgard? Izzy, is that really a bullet..."

Izabella extends a hand to analyze the item Lucy gives her. She lifts and rotates, "...that is a bullet."

Riley pauses once more, digging into the back of her pant pocket, " it one of my bullets?"

Lucy snickers, "You're literally shooting blind."

"SHIELD protocol."

Izabella fiddles with said bullet in her fist when she checks Riley's gun, "It is the same, it doesn't's not a fresh bullet..."

Lucy takes the bullet back from Izabella, "Did we take too long? Did you warp us in time?"

Riley bits her lip and snatches it to feel for herself, unintentionally slapping Lucy in her blind grab.

"Excuse you?!" Lucy whines.

Riley rolls her fingers over the edge. She holds it up with her face on a downward tilt, "Tell me one thing Izzy, what happened know, their stuff? Natasha's specifically."

Izabella swallows hard over the memory, "...I think Fury- Whatever Tony didn't take for testing..."

Jameson butts in with a half angry snort, "What testing?"

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