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Hapi thursday-


"You know momsh shent mi-"


'he got smacked by Y/n!'
'Lucky boy..'

"Y/n i think you hit him too hard" Jihyo says staring at my brother. He's gonna take some rest. It's fine. Very fine.

"Should we take him to the clinic or..?"

He doesn't need to go the clinic. Mental.


"3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679...!!!!"

'Did he just recite that?'
'Damn until now I haven't memorized that yet..'
'What was he saying anyways?'
'What can you say Y/n's siblings are damn intelligent except for kusuo'

Excuse me my brother kusuo likes to be an normal student. He can be the highest here if he wanted to. Period.

'Go off sis!' - kusuo

Just defending.

"What a way to wake up sir." Jihyo says as she helps my brother to stand up. Why does she need to help an unwanted guest in the school?

"Oh sorry for that. Just call me kusuke anyways." He said as he dusts himself off.

Why would even mom send him here.

'Omg is that Makoto?!'
'The blue hair celebrity?!'
'Isn't that's Teruhashi's brother?!'
'Why is a celebrity here then?'

Ouch some of them doesn't want him here. And I'm one of them.

"Ew men-"


"Sorry hehe."


[Author's PoV]

Makoto showed up in the Cafeteria's Entrance looking for a certain someone, which was you honestly. He walks towards your table but before he gets to speak, your brother took your hand and pulled you outside the cafeteria. Leaving the smurf hair inside the cafeteria with his deadly fangirls.

Your brother took you to the school's rooftop not forgetting to lock the door. It confused you why was he so serious now, he was like goofy a minute ago. It was very rare for you to see him so serious.

"How can i say this.. um.." Now he was playing with his fingers. Seriously?

"Y/n, Mom and I, well Mom did decided to remove your powers temporarily.." it again confused you why so suddenly? You were like thinking about that topic about like 2 chapters ago, I mean earlier. So many things happening in one day. They knew you always wanted to have a day with no powers but what if something bad happens in your trip to korea? How could you prevent it? And in the matter of fact that it might hurt you or mostly kill you.

"Don't worry you can pick 3 powers or just one power to keep" Now that's hard. And as well Good news atleast. But which power would you keep with you? What power could help you throughout your journey? Freezing? No. Jeongyeon can help you with that. Telepathy? No your getting annoyed from your neighbors or stranger's chismis (gossip's (?))

"So what do you think about it? Don't worry we will remove your powers tomorrow morning" He said after that he reached something from his small bag then showed it to you.

A chip? A literal small chip?! How are you gonna use it?

"I'm gonna inject it inside your wrist! Deeply!" He gives you a chaotic smile. You weren't sure about this, First of all why is he smiling like thay after he said He will inject the chip inside your wrist deeply, Two is your afraid of needles. Yes. (A/n: I'm still afraid i don't know why) Three is how does he knows what you were gonna ask him. Sibling things.

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