The dense blogger

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Alya was at the computer with a sigh, she couldn't believe that her parents are now only allowing her an hour on the computer! She couldn't even update her blog! She had to post that she would be on break for an undetermined amount of time and could now only do school related work on the computer... Even her phone was confiscated so she couldn't text or call anyone, all she did was with the class and miss Bustier have a small party since Lila was going to be leaving Paris for a while... And they get punished for it?! Just because there parent's didn't know or agree!? They have a right to do something like this! They were grown-up! Not kids!

At the moment her parent's were at work and the twins were in there room playing leaving her big sister to watch her "Fifteen minutes left" Nora said making Alya sigh as she went back to work on some homework she had to finish before school starts on Monday, the class had gotten an email a little while after they got home from a new teacher demanding that they turn in on Monday the list of homework that was yet to be given... And any piece of homework not given will be failed without question and Alya had so much to finish that the hour she had on the computer won't be enough for her... She was going to fail so much homework right now and there was nothing she could do.

What was worse is that Lila was being forced to stay in Paris and come to school due to her having so many missing assignments and homework... And that if she wanted to go on that trip she would need to get approval from the school board after they confirm she's advanced enough with school work to go on said trip, it forced Lila to stay at home which upsets her badly since it was a very important trip for her, now she had to stay at home to do the dozens of school work she never turned in... It pissed Alya off to no end and she couldn't do anything about it, she sighed when she finished another piece of homework as she hoped for the best that she could finish everything tomorrow which would be the last day before Monday "Time's up. Off the computer Alya" Nora said as Alya saved everything and turned off the computer.

Alya grumbled under her breath as she went back to her room, she hated this... It didn't make sense as to why they had to be punished for just wanting to be with there friend before she leaves? They had a right to do it! And yet they were all punished... With Adrien having it worse, his father wasn't allowing him to contact or hang-out with any of his friends... Only to go to school and then come straight back home... Not even see his friends during the weekend, it wasn't fair at all as Alya was certain that they had a right to do this for Lila, still for now Alya had to get to work on some of the homework she could do without the computer, she plans to get back on the computer the next morning and work on multiple things, she had to try to do as much as she can before the hour she had on the computer was up.

As she finished a few things up, her mother walked into her room "Your father and I are still mad at you for skipping school to selfishly be with your class... Especially when were paying for you to go to school so you can go to a good college... But we agreed that you can have your phone back" she explained making Alya nod as she was given her phone back, once her mom left she quickly texted the class to see if any of them had there phone right now and to see how they were doing at the moment, she was also using her phone to do more research for her school work as she waited for a reply from someone, it took a while before she understood that none of them were able to reply to her right now so she went back to her homework to try and finish as much as she can.

At the same time, Chloe was getting ready to get some sleep, her homework had been finished and already turned in for some time so she was able to talk to Shoto for a bit before talking to Sabrina and Marinette about Monday, then Luka and Kagami h...

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At the same time, Chloe was getting ready to get some sleep, her homework had been finished and already turned in for some time so she was able to talk to Shoto for a bit before talking to Sabrina and Marinette about Monday, then Luka and Kagami had joined in the call making her enjoy it even more as they spoke about what they saw the class go through because of Lila, Chloe still laughed at the sight of the Gabriel Agreste yelling at the Italian for the trouble she caused for the police and the trouble she was making them, the parents put there kids through as a punishment... When she should be the one getting punished for all of this right now, but it didn't matter right now... Instead they had to focus on figuring out what Marinette will wear on Monday to put there classmates in shock at her new look... And the new Marinette.

She knew full well that they will think it's an akuma... And when they see it isn't they will then think that there words can fix everything... And really it can't since Mari was done playing with them like she's a sweet little girl they can use for anything they wanted... Now she was going to be the queen she was from the start and ruin them one after the other... And make them all suffer for what they did to her, the new teacher and principal knew about Mari being the queen so they knew that things must go through her first before anything can happen, with Damocles it was different... Since he didn't believe she was the queen they allowed him the control... But now she was in full control of the school and would make sure it was known by everyone in the school no matter what happens.

 But now she was in full control of the school and would make sure it was known by everyone in the school no matter what happens

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She turned towards the outfit she prepared to wear on Monday... It was going to scream something is going to happen... And the akuma class won't even know it until it was too late for them to understand anything... Since she and Sabrina were planning on explaining everything at that moment... As Marinette is showing them her power, Chloe hopes that Alya, Adrien and Lila will be last in that order to suffer... The other's could go first, she knew that Damocles was already being punished by going to jail with all his crimes being in the light... While Caline was sent to a mental institution since her way of thinking was crazy wrong and everyone knew that well, so now with was the class to go next... And if Chloe knew Mari well enough, she was planning to target them one by one... And it was going to be an amazing Monday!

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