A surprise

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The next day of school, Mari arrives with Chloe and Sabrina at her side stopped by Rose Lavillant herself, she was known to always look for the good in others and reach out to it... So it was clear that she was trying to do so with Marinette by pointing out how she was before she began to bully Lila and beg her to come back to them, Mari didn't react and simply walked past her to get to her locker before heading to her seat in class... Not to her surprise, Lila was in her seat with Alya next to her... They were trying to make her think that the seating was changed without her knowing, so she stood there and waited until mister Dumai walked in... And glared at Lila and Alya "Miss Rossi, miss Cesaire... Those are not the seats I assigned you both, get to your seats or I will send you to see principal Ange" he claimed making the two quickly move to there seats.

The trio sat down and then the lesson quickly began, Lila did try to force a change in the seats but she was quickly cut off and ordered to go see the principal for interrupting the lesson, Mari could feel the glares on her as Lila fake cried while getting out of the classroom... Seriously? Blaming her for something Lila did on her own!? They were crazy and that was final in her book, once she was gone mister Dumai went back to the lesson with ease, it was decided that for now the lessons were to center on the fact the class don't do research on the lies there told and he makes examples that are to relate to the lies Lila told them... This was Mari's plan, she wanted to first make the class open there eyes towards Lila... And maybe get Adrien found out for knowing and not helping Mari as a bonus.

Once they disconnect from Lila and maybe Adrien, she was certain they would either expect Mari to go back to her fake ways... They would never beg for forgiveness since they don't believe that she's really the queen of there school, then she would target them one by one... Starting with Lila to show them that she wasn't playing nice anymore, then she would destroy everything for them, there parents jobs, there homes and then there dreams... Just so they know that they brought this upon themselves for bullying her in the end, of course she was planning on leaving Adrien for last... She of course had bigger plans for him and with Chloe by her side... He would wish it was all just a simple dream in the end.

Slowly morning passed and it was time for lunch, the trio walked out of the classroom while Lila began to lie once more... About Mari no less, this time she was claiming that Mari was threatening the principal and was abusing her, Alya of course believed everything and the class wasn't too far in believing it either, Chloe made her friend ignore it as Sabrina gasped, they looked over to the school entrance to find a girl standing there, her hair was cut to fit her face with the bottom half of her dark brown hair dyed red, her brown eyes behind purple rimmed glasses but they knew who that was "Jasmine!" they rushed over as Mari called her name making Jasmine smile and wave "I decided to wear this cute kitty outfit you made me Mari!" she claimed making the girl giggle.

 About Mari no less, this time she was claiming that Mari was threatening the principal and was abusing her, Alya of course believed everything and the class wasn't too far in believing it either, Chloe made her friend ignore it as Sabrina gasped,...

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"Well of course you make it work on you!" Chloe claimed as Sabrina nodded, she pulled out her phone and took pictures of there friend to post online, Jasmine smiled to them as the akuma class watched the trio talking to the girl "She's probably some hooker that came over to give them some money she earned" Lila claimed making Alya huff in anger at what her ex friend was doing right now, she was just about to go over there to talk some sense into the girl until Aurore stopped her "Your really stupid huh? You don't go over to speak with the queen unless you have an appointment... Even less so when Jasmine is with them" she hissed making Alya look at her confused.

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