I don't remember.

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(Author POV)

It was just another normal day, the sun was high up in the sky and birds were chirping. Y/N woke up with a smile on her face since she was sleeping with the love of her life. They have been staying over at each other's often right? Well why not, they are going to get married.

Anyways, Y/N woke up thinking this was just another normal day where SuperM will be practicing and singing. But she was wrong. Destiny had a lot in the bag just for her. Something she doesn't even remember happened is going to continue. Something she couldn't even imagine. Something terrible (I feel like I am exaggerating but ya something is going to happen)


I woke up and saw Cheol sleeping peacefully beside me. I turned around and stared at his sleeping figure for god knows how long.

"I'm handsome right?" He said as he slowly opened his eyes. I looked away, embarrassed.

He held my cheek and made me look at him. "I'm all your's so you can look at my handsome face for however long you want to. You don't have to be embarrassed." He said and pulled me in for a hug.

Just then there was a knock on.

"Y/N, you left your phone downstairs and Lucas keeps calling you. Can I come in and give it to you?" It was Mingyu.

"Sure. Come on in." I said after I was sitting up on the bed. He came in and handed me my phone. I had 7 missed calls from Lucas and 11 missed calls from Jackson oppa. I wondered what had happened.

I called Jackson oppa first.

(On the call)

You: Hello?

Oppa: Y/N, why weren't you picking the call?

You: Sorry oppa, my phone was downstairs. Did something happen tho?

Oppa: Can you and Seung Cheol come to your dorm? Fast.

You: Sure. We'll be there in 15 minutes.

Oppa: Ok

With that I ended the call and looked at Cheol.

"Oppa wants us to go to my dorm, fast. I wonder what happened." I said. He nodded.

We both freshened up and left for my dorm.

After we reached, I rang the doorbell and Mark opened the door.

"Hey. What's going on?" I asked him after entering. We went to the living room and saw a man there, whom I didn't recognize but there was another person whom I did recognise, Hansol.

The only question in my mind was that what was be doing here. I looked at everyone's faces and they didn't seem very happy.

"What's going on? Hansol why are you here?" Cheol asked. He was equally confused.

"Is it the same Y/N? You have grown so much." The man said as he held my hand but I pulled it away and held Cheol's arm. He slowly hid me behind him.

"Wait, aren't you Hansol's dad?" Cheol asked. The man nodded. I was more confused.

"Y/N, you remember when you were young, you almost got in an accident?" Jackson oppa asked. I nodded. "He is the man who saved you. And..." He added.

"And...?" I asked.

"Well, our parents promised to marry you to his son as a repay of the debt of saving you. And his son in Hansol." Oppa explained. I was beyond shocked. How can my parents do that?

I looked at Cheol and he was equally shocked. I already had tears forming in my eyes.

"And is he here to got us married?" I asked, pointing at Mr. Chwe. Oppa nodded.

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